Publikationen (Gesamt)


Dawoud, M.; Mahmoud, S.; Elkafrawy, A.
Different Baseband Chain Architectures for Multi-standard Reconfigurable Receivers
ICM 2009, The 21st International Conference on Microelectronics, Marrakech, Morocco
Dezember 2009
Mohamed, S. A.; Manoli, Y.; Ortmanns, M.
A CMOS Passive Mixer for Direct-Conversion Receivers
IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), IEEE, Cancun, Mexico
November 2009
Mohamed, S. A.; Manoli, Y.; Ortmanns, M.
A Differential Common-Gate Class-E Power Amplifier with Positive-Negative Feedback
IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), IEEE, Cancun, Mexico
November 2009
Afifi, M.; Keller, M.; Manoli, Y.; Ortmanns, M.
Excess Loop Delay Compensation Technique For Tunable Bandpass Delta Sigma Modulators
IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), IEEE, Cancun, Mexico
November 2009
Liu, T.; Huang, Q.
A System Level Modeling Method for a MEMS Variable Cross-Section Beam Driven by Electrostatic Force
IEEE Sensors 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand
Oktober 2009
Zahabi, A.; Anis, M.; Ortmanns, M.
Fully integrated Sigma-Delta Modulators based on Transmission lines
Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany
Oktober 2009
Liu, L.; Wünschmann, J.; Pour-Aryan, N.; Zohny, A.; Fischer, M.; Kibbel, S.; Rothermel, A.
An Ambient Light Adaptive Subretinal Stimulator
IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Athen, Greece
September 2009
Buhmann, A.; Keller, M.; Maurer, M.; Ortmanns, M.; Manoli, Y.
DISCO: a graphical methodology for the design of Sigma-Delta modulators
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, Vol. 60, Nr. 1-2, pp. 3-11
August 2009
Liu, T.; Li, W.; Huang, Q.
Modeling and analysis for moving plate with two-dimension effect
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2009(ISPDI), Beijing, China
Juni 2009
Peters, C.; Handwerker, J.; Henrici, F.; Ortmanns, M.; Manoli, Y.
Experimental Results on Power Efficient Single-Poly Floating Gate Rectifiers
IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'09), Taipei, Taiwan
Mai 2009
Kaiser, A.; Ruess, K.; Hoyler, S.; Holl, B.; Feurer, E.; Liu, L.; Rothermel, A.; Harscher, A.
Flexible Thin Film Multi Layer Substrates: Opportunities for Medical Sensors and Actuators.
IMAPS-MicroTec, Edinburgh, UK
März 2009
Gauss, S.; Müller, T.; Rothermel, A.
Objektive Bewertung der Videoqualität von mobilen TV-Empfangsgeräten.
ITG/FKTG-Fachtagung „Elektronische Medien“, 13. Dortmunder Fernsehseminar, pp. 132-137
März 2009
Ortmanns, M.
Safety Issues and Circuit Implementation for Retinal Stimulators
invited to Forum: Integrated Neural Interfaces, IEEE Int. Conf. on Solid State Circuits (ISSCC), San Francisco, USA
Februar 2009
Witte, P.; Ortmanns, M.
A Background DAC Error Estimation in Sigma-Delta ADCs Using a Pseudo Random Noise Based Correlation Technique
IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Taipei, Taiwan
Rothermel, A.; Liu, L.; Pour-Aryan, N.; Fischer, M.; Wünschmann, J.; Kibbel, S.; Harscher, A.
A CMOS Chip With Active Pixel Array and Specific Test Features for Subretinal Implantation
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Special Issue on ISSCC 2008, Vol. 44, no. 1
Henrici, F.; Becker, J.; Trendelenburg, S.; De Dorigo, D.; Ortmanns, M.; Manoli, Y.
A Field Programmable Analog Array Using Floating Gates for High Resolution Tuning
IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Taipei, Taiwan
Sooksood, K.; Stieglitz, T.; Ortmanns, M.
An Active Approach for Charge Balancing in Functional Electrical Stimulation
IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Taipei, Taiwan
Sooksood, K.; Stieglitz, T.; Ortmanns, M.
An Experimental Study on Passive Charge Balancing
Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 7, pp. 197-200
Kibbel, S.; Harscher, A.; Wrobel, W.; Rothermel, A.; Zrenner, E.
Design and Performance of an Improved Active Subretinal Chip.
World Congress Munich
Kaiser, A.; Ruess, K.; Holl, B.; Feurer, E.; Rothermel, A.; Harscher, A.
Dünnschichttechnik für Retinaimplantate.
Munich: Carl Hanser Verlag, Mikroproduktion, no. 1, pp. 10-15
Januar 2009
Roll, T.; Kolb, L.; Sautter, W.; Wendt, D.; Rothermel, A.
FPGA-basierter Multistandard-Audiodecoder
ITG/FKTG-Fachtagung "Elektronische Medien", Tagungsband, S. 226-229, Dortmund
Günter, Ch.; Rothermel, A.
Modeling the Quantizer Behavior of Subbands for Data Rate Limitations in JPEG2000
B. Huet et al. (Hrsg.), MMM 2009, LNCS 5371, p. 140–149. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Günter, C.; Rothermel, A.
Modeling the Quantizer Behavior of Subbands for Data Rate Limitations in JPEG2000.
15th Int. Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM), Sophia-Antipolis
Januar 2009
Sooksood, K.; Stieglitz, T.; Ortmanns, M.
Recent Advances in Charge Balancing for Functional Electrical Stimulation
Annual Int. Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2009), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Keller, M.; Buhmann, A.; Ortmanns, M.; Manoli, Y.
Systematic approach to the synthesis of continuous-time cascaded sigma–delta modulators
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, pp. 155-164, Vol. 60, Nr. 1-2, Aug.