Publikationen (Gesamt)


Herkle, A.; Rossak, P.; Mandry, H.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Comparison of measurement and readout strategies for RO-PUFs on Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC FPGAs
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seville, Spain
Oktober 2020
Herkle, A.; Mandry, H.; Becker, J.; Reich, S.; Sporer, M.; Ortmanns, M.
Extracting Weak PUFs from Differential Nonlinearity of Digital-to-Analog Converters
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seville, Spain
Oktober 2020
Mokhtar, M. A.; Vogelmann, P.; Abdelaal, A.; Kauffman, J. G.; Ortmanns, M.
FIR DACs in CT Incremental Delta-Sigma Modulators
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sevilla, Spain
Oktober 2020
Herkle, A.; Mandry, H.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Live Demonstration: Generating FPGA Fingerprints utilizing Full-Chip Characterization with Ring-Oscillator PUFs
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seville, Spain
Oktober 2020
Vogelmann, P.; Wagner, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A 14b, Twofold Time-Interleaved Incremental ΔΣ ADC Using Hardware Sharing
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
Juli 2020
Rajabzadeh, M.; Häberle, M.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Comparison Study of DAC Realizations in Current Input CTΣΔ Modulators
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
Juli 2020
Conrad, J.; Vogelmann, P.; Mokhtar, M. A.; Ortmanns, M.
Design Approach for Ring Amplifiers
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
April 2020
Mandry, H.; Herkle, A.; Müelich, S.; Becker, J.; Fischer, R.; Ortmanns, M.
Normalization and Multi-Valued Symbol Extraction from RO-PUFs for Enhanced Uniform Probability Distributions
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs
März 2020
Wagner, J.; Vogelmann, P.; Ortmanns, M.
Performance Evaluation of Incremental Sigma-Delta ADCs Based on their NTF
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—II: Express Briefs (Early Access)
März 2020
Qi, L.; Jain, A.; Jiang, D.; Sin, S.-W.; Martins, R. P.; Ortmanns, M.
A 76.6-dB-SNDR 50-MHz-BW 29.2-mW Multi-Bit CT Sturdy MASH With DAC Non-Linearity Tolerance
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
Februar 2020
Lanniel, A.; Boeser, T.; Alpert, T.; Ortmanns, M.
Noise Analysis of Charge-Balanced Readout Circuits for MEMS Accelerometers
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers


Wagner, J.; Vogelmann, P.; Ortmanns, M.
On the Signal Filtering Property of CT Incremental Sigma-Delta ADCs
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—II: Express Briefs
November 2019
Rajabzadeh, M.; Ungethüm, J.; Herkle, A.; Schilpp, C.; Fauler, M.; Wittekindt, O.; Ortmanns, M.
A 24-Ch. Multi-Electrode Array Allowing Fast EIS to Determine Transepithelial Electrical Resistance
2019 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Nara, Japan
Oktober 2019
Mokhtar, M. A.; Vogelmann, P.; Haas, M.; Ortmanns, M.
A 94.3 dB SFDR, 91.5 dB DR, 200 kS/s CT Incremental Delta-Sigma Modulator with Differentially Reset FIR Feedback
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letter, September 2019 - Presented on IEEE European Solid-State Circuits conference (ESSDERC/ESSCIRC), Krakow, Poland
September 2019
Rajabzadeh, M.; Häberle, M.; Jain, A.; Ortmanns, M.
An Integrated Readout for Current Sensing Based on a Sigma Delta Modulator with Switched Capacitor Feedback
IEEE European Solid-State Circuits conference (ESSDERC/ESSCIRC), Krakow, Poland
September 2019
Nikas, A.; Jambunathan, S.; Klein, L.; Völker, M.; Ortmanns, M.
A Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator Using a Modified Instrumentation Amplifier and Current Reuse DAC for Neural Recording
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits PP(99):1-13
August 2019
Rajabzadeh, M.; Häberle, M.; Ortmanns, M.
Comparison of Direct Digitization Current Sensing Circuits for EIS
15th Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2019), Lausanne, Switzerland
Juli 2019
Rajabzadeh, M.; Ungethüm, J.; Mandry, H.; Schilpp, C.; Wittekindt, O.; Ortmanns, M.
An Evaluation Study of Various Excitation Signals for Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan
Mai 2019
Jain, A.; Abdelaal, A.; Ortmanns, M.
Effective Filtering of Requantization Error in Dual Quantized CTDSM using FIR DAC
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan, pp. 1-5.
Mai 2019
Chi, J.; Mandry, H.; Ortmanns, M.
Finite Gain-Bandwidth of Q Enhancement in Bandpass CT ΣΔ Modulator and Compensation
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan, pp. 1-5.
Mai 2019
Herkle, A.; Mandry, H.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
In-depth Analysis and Enhancements of RO-PUFs with a Partial Reconfiguration Framework on Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC FPGAs
IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), Tysons Corner, USA
Mai 2019
Mokhtar, M. A.; Vogelmann, P.; Wagner, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Incremental Sturdy-MASH Sigma-Delta Modulator with Reduced Sensitivity to DAC Mismatch
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan
Mai 2019
Luo, Y.; Jain, A.; Wagner, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Input Referred Comparator Noise in SAR ADCs
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 718-722
Mai 2019
Mandry, H.; Herkle, A.; Kürzinger, L.; Müelich, S.; Becker, J.; Fischer, R.; Ortmanns, M.
Modular PUF Coding Chain with High-Speed Reed-Muller Decoder
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan
Mai 2019
Luo, Y.; Jain, A.; Ortmanns, M.
A Multi-bit Delta-Sigma DAC Architecture with Internal DAC Non-linearity Suppression
Analogworkshop 2019, Universität Stuttgart
März 2019