Publikationen - Dr.-Ing. J. Becker



Becker, J.; Pellhammer, D.; Preißner, P.; Glöggler, J. C.; Lapatki, B. G.; Ortmanns, M.
An implant for wireless in situ measurement of lip pressure with 12 sensors
2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Torino, Italy
Oktober 2017
Rajabzadeh, M.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Evaluation of Single-Bit Sigma-Delta Modulator DAC for Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Torino, Italy
Oktober 2017
Al Marashli, A.; Anders, J.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A high linearity SAR ADC employing Sigma-Delta DAC
Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany
September 2017
Al Marashli, A.; Anders, J.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A 107 dB SFDR, 80 kS/s Nyquist-rate SAR ADC using a hybrid capacitive and incremental Σ∆ DAC
2017 Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI Circuits), Kyoto, Japan
Juni 2017
Pagin, M.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Evaluation of Spike Sorting and Compression for Digitally Reconfigurable Non-Uniform Quantization
IEEE 15th International NEWCAS Conference, Strasbourg, France
Juni 2017


Becker, J.; Anders, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A Continuous-Time Field Programmable Analog Array with 1 GHz GBW
23rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Monaco
Dezember 2016
Herkle, A.; Schuster, M.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Enhanced Arbiter PUFs using custom sized structures for reduced noise sensitivity
23rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Monaco
Dezember 2016
Handwerker, J.; Eder, M.; Tibiletti, M.; Rasche, V.; Scheffler, K.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.; Anders, J.
An array of fully-integrated quadrature TX/RX NMR field probes for MRI trajectory mapping
42nd European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2016), Lausanne, Switzerland
September 2016
Herkle, A.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Physical Unclonable Functions based on A/D-converter's differential non-linearities
Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany
September 2016
Herkle, A.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Exploiting Weak PUFs from Data Converter Non-Linearity - E.g. A multibit CT ∆Σ Modulator
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 63, No. 7
Juli 2016
Ritter, R.; Kauffman, J. G.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A 10 MHz Bandwidth, 70 dB SNDR Continuous Time Delta-Sigma Modulator With Digitally Improved Reconfigurable Blocker Rejection
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 660-670
März 2016
Pagin, M.; Haas, M.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Delta compression in time-multiplexed multichannel neural recorders
12th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), pp. 1-4, Lisbon, Portugal


Lorenz, M.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A Hybrid of Unscented Kalman Filter and Genetic Algorithm for State and Parameter Estimation in Sigma-Delta Modulators
Electronics Letters, IEEE
August 2015
Chu, C.; Anders, J.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Finite GBW Compensation Technique for CT Delta-Sigma Modulators with Differentiator Based ELD Compensation
IEEE NEWCAS 2015, Grenoble, France
Juni 2015


Liu, T.; Bihr, U.; Becker, J.; Anders, J.; Ortmanns, M.
In Vivo Verification of a 100 Mbps Transcutaneous Optical Telemetric Link
IEEE/CAS-EMB Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
Oktober 2014
Bihr, U.; Anders, J.; Rickert, J.; Schüttler, M.; Moeller, A.; Boven, K. H.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A Neural Recorder IC with HV Input Multiplexer for Voltage and Current Stimulation with 18V Compliance
IEEE ESSCIRC 2014, Venedig, Italien
September 2014
Chu, C.; Kauffman, J. G.; Anders, J.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.; Epp, M.; Chartier, S.
A 1.92-GS/s CT ΔΣ modulator with 70-db DR and 78-db SFDR in 15-MHz bandwidth
IEEE NEWCAS 2014, Trois-Rivières, Kanada
Juni 2014
Lorenz, M.; Ritter, R.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A Genetic Algorithm for the Estimation of Nonidealities in Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 61, no.6, pp. 388-392
Juni 2014
Brückner, T.; Zorn, C.; Anders, J.; Becker, J.; Mathis, W.; Ortmanns, M.
A GPU-Accelerated Web-Based Synthesis Tool for CT Sigma-Delta Modulators
Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on, vol.61, no.5, pp.1429,1441
Mai 2014
Kauffman, J. G.; Witte, P.; Lehmann, M.; Becker, J.; Manoli, Y.; Ortmanns, M.
A 72 dB DR, CT ΔΣ Modulator Using Digitally Estimated, Auxiliary DAC Linearization Achieving 88 fJ/conv-step in a 25 MHz BW
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 49, No. 2
Februar 2014


Kauffman, J. G.; Chu, C.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A 67 dB DR 50MHz BW CT Delta Sigma Modulator Achieving 207 fJ/conv
Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, Singapore
November 2013
Bihr, U.; Anders, J.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A high-voltage neural stimulator combined with a low voltage recorder
BMT 2013, Graz, Austria
September 2013
Malhotra, G.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
Novel Field Programmable Embryonic Cell for Adder and Multiplier
9th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2013), Villach, Austria
Juni 2013
Bihr, U.; Ungru, T.; Xu, H.; Anders, J.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A Bidirectional Neural Interface with a HV Stimulator and a LV Neural Amplifier
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Beijing, China
Mai 2013
Xu, H.; Bihr, U.; Becker, J.; Ortmanns, M.
A Multi-channel Neural Stimulator with Resonance Compensated Inductive Receiver and Closed-loop Smart Power Management
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Beijing, China
Mai 2013


  1. A. Herkle, J. Becker, M. Ortmanns
    [DE] Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung einer digitalen Signatur
    DE102016204055A1, Patent record available from the German Patent