Joanna Dolzycka
Joanna Daria Dołżycka finished her master’s degree in the field of linguistics and speech and language therapy at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. Within Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NCU, Toruń) she also completed a bachelor’s degree in linguistics and cognitive science. Since the academic year 2013/2014, she’s gaining experience in conducting psycho- and neurolinguistic research. She has conducted EEG and eye-tracking studies and assisted in MRI/fMRI research. Joanna’s main scientific interests are related to affective and cognitive neurolinguistics, which mainly include examining neural underpinnings and behavioral consequences of exposition to linguistic stimuli.
Joanna Dołżycka is currently working as a research assistant in the DFG project about the interaction of language and the minimal self („Meine Worte, meine Gefühle, meine Handlungen: Zusammenhang zwischen Sprache und körperlichem Selbst: Grundlagen, Mechanismen und Implikationen für das Verständnis von „body ownership“ und „sense of agency”; project number: 440171116).

Joanna Dolzycka
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
✉ joanna.dolzycka(at)
Π 47.1.265
☎ +49-(0)731/50 31860
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