Prof. Dr. Matthias Tichy

My main research focus is on domain specific languages, particularly for mechatronic systems. Mechatronic systems are systems which are jointly developed by mechanical, electrical, control and software engineers, e.g., modern cars. The embedded software is the key driver for innovation in mechatronic systems. I especially focus on self-adaptive software and software in safety-critical systems. I use graph transformations as underlying formal basis in many of these research activities. Furthermore, i employ empirical research methods to understand how humans use software as well as to evaluate technical contributions.



Tichy, Matthias
Eine Laufzeitumgebung für sich spontan vernetzende Komponenten in verteilten Systemen
In Gesellschaft für Informatik, Editor, Bericht Informatiktage 2002, Bad Schussenried, Germany
In Gesellschaft für Informatik, Editor
Herausgeber: Conradin Verlag, Grasbrunn
November 2002
Gehrke, M.; Giese, H.; Nickel, U. A.; Niere, J.; Tichy, Matthias; Wadsack, J. P.; Zündorf, A.
Reporting about Industrial Strength Software Engineering Courses for Undergraduates
Proc. of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Orlando, Florida, USA, Seite 395-405
Herausgeber: ACM Press
Mai 2002


Tichy, Matthias
A Jini-supported Distributed Version and Configuration Management System
Proc. of the International Symposium on Convergence of IT and communications (ITCom2001), Denver, USA, Seite 7-15
Herausgeber: International Society for Optical Engineering
August 2001