

Becker-Leifhold, C., & Hirscher, A. (2019): Fashion Libraries as a Means for Sustainability Education—An Exploratory Case Study of Adolescents’ Consumer Culture. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 13(2), 129–151.

Hirscher, A.L., Mazzarella, F., Fuad-Luke, A. (2019). Socializing value creation through practices of making clothing differently: A case study of a makershop with diverse locals, Fashion Practice, 11(1), 53-80.

Hirscher, A.L., Mazé, R. (2019). Stuff matters in participation: Infrastructuring a Co-Sewing Café. Journal of Peer Production. Issue 13. Retrieved from:

Hirscher, A.L., Niinimäki, K., Armstrong, C. (2017). Social manufacturing in the fashion sector: New value creation through alternative design strategies? Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 172, 4544-4554.

Hirscher, A.-L. & Mazé, R. (2017). Negotiating values in design: A case of establishing and running a co-sewing café. Paper presented at NORDES – Nordic Design Research Conference. Oslo, 15-17 June.

Hirscher, A. (2013). Fashion Activism - Evaluation and application of fashion activism strategies to ease transition towards sustainable consumption behaviour. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 17(1), 23–38.

Hirscher, A.-L. & Fuad-Luke, A. (2013). Open Participatory Designing for an Alternative Fashion Economy. In K. Niinimäki (Ed.) Sustainable Fashion – New Approaches, (pp. 174-197). Helsinki, Finland. Aalto University Publication Series. Retrieved from:

Iran, Samira; Geiger, Sonja Maria; Schrader, Ulf (2019): Collaborative fashion consumption– a cross-cultural study between Tehran and Berlin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 212 (1), 313-323.

Iran, Samira; Geiger, Sonja Maria (2018): To wear or to own? Influences of values on the attitudes toward and the engagement in collaborative fashion consumption. In: Heuer, M. and Becker-Leifhold, C. (Eds.), Eco Friendly and Fair: Fast Fashion and Consumer Behavior, Routledge, 153–162.

Iran, Samira (2018): Sustainable fashion: from production to alternative consumption. In: Jastram, S. and Schneider, M. (Eds.), Sustainable Fashion - Governance and New Management Approaches, Springer, 139-159.

Geiger, Sonja Maria; Iran, Samira; Müller, Martin (2017): Nachhaltiger Kleiderkonsum in Dietenheim– Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Umfrage zum Kleiderkonsum. Online verfügbar >>

Iran, Samira; Schrader, Ulf (2017): Collaborative fashion consumption and its environmental effects. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 21 (4), 468–482.


Iran, S. (2018): Collaborative Fashion Consumption: A Viable Innovative Concept of Sustainable Fashion Consumption? Link zum PDF

Hirscher, A. L. (2020): When Skillful Participation Becomes Design - Making clothes together Link zum PDF