M. Sc. Efrain Bernal
Eng. Bernal received the degree of Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia) in 2003 and Master in Engineering (Electronic and Computer) from the Universidad de Los Andes, (Colombia) in 2008. Since October 2012 he is a research assistant at the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at the University of Ulm, Germany.
His main interests are Smart Grids, Microgrids, Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (CPES) and automation of Industrial Process.
From 2003 He has worked like docent in different Universities. His last position was assistant Professor at the University de la Salle, Bogotá-Colombia. He works too, like designer and consultant engineer for different private and public Institutions of his Country.
M.Sc. Bernal's research focuses on the future power system analysis, in particular, the automation and control of the electrical grid. He is IEEE member of the Industrial Electronics Society and Control Systems Society.
Bernal E., Constain A.; "Metodología básica de instrumentación industrial y electrónica" Colombia 2012. Ed: Universidad de la Salle ISBN: 9789589290996 v. 1 pp. 300
Bernal E., Constain A.; "Electrónica Análoga (Diseno de circuitos)" Colombia 2009. Ed: Universidad de la Salle ISBN: 978-958-9290-96-5 v. 1 pp. 365.
Conference Proceedings
- Bernal, E.; Xie, J.:”Smart LV Distribution Networks: An Approach for Power Flow Formulation with Smart Home Models”, IEEE PEDG 2015, Aachen,Germany, June 2015
- Bernal, E.; Süslü, M.; Xie, J.: Demand Response for Smart Home: An Evaluation from an End-User’s Perspective Based on a High Resolution Power Demand Model, IRED MAE 2015, Rom, April 2015
- Bernal, E.; Mallick, N.; Xie, J.: A High-Resolution Smart Home Power Demand Model and Future Impact on Load Profile in Germany, IEEE PECON 2014, Malaysia, Dezember 2014
- Alzate, E.B.; Martinez, F.M.; "ECG monitoring system based on ARM9 and mobile phone technologies," ANDESCON Proceedings 2010, pp.38-43. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1061J-PRT. ISBN: 978-1-4244-6740-2.
Bernal E.; Gualteros S., Rendon J.; “Sistema de Aprovechamiento del Biogás Generado por un Reactor Anaerobio para su Autoabastecimiento Energético", Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI'09). España. 2009, vol., no., p.54 - 55, v.1. ISBN 978-84-692-2596-7
Bernal E., Uribe F., Guzman F.; "Prototipo de sistema de infusión parenteral para vía intravenosa PROSIP2003", I Congreso Colombiano de Bioingeniería e ingeniería Biomédica- II Ronda nacional de Proyectos en Tecnología Biomédica Colombia. 2003.
Other Conferences
Bernal E.; “SCADA & Intelligent Electronics Devices IED’s”. I Semana Lasallista de la Facultad de Ingeniería: Simposio Jóvenes Investigadores en Ingeniería. Universidad de La Salle. Colombia. 2010. Seminar memories.
Bernal E.; "Sistemas SCADA para interconección eléctrica", II jornada Técnica de Ingeniería Electrónica. Universidad Santo Tomas. Colombia. 2009.
Bernal E.; “Instrumentación en Bio-ingeniería”. EXPOIDAE 2008. Universidad de La Salle. Colombia. 2008.

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