Possible Europe

“Stories of a Possible Europe” is the name of a European project which is accomplished from January 2009 till January 2010 through institutes of adult education from 6 countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Great Britain and Germany) with support of the European Program EACEA of the European Commission. The aim is to work on the theme of inter-cultural dialogue in Europe, through cooperative and autobiographical methods. The particularity of the work methodology of this panel is that it takes as its starting point the telling of stories by European citizens not only as individuals but also as collective groups – as a form of participation and interaction in “constructing an ever closer Europe”.

Europe, what do we have in common? What is different? Telling the life-stories of people is a way to explore and make known the different cultures which make up Europe, a contribution to a possible Europe. Moreover the stories can contribute to the knowledge of the values and representations which are the basis for building a sense of European identity. In our view, the storytelling method represents a bottom-up process, for building knowledge closer to the real experiences of European citizens.

Project coordination: UPTER Italien

Funded by: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Websites: www.europa-erleben.net, www.possible-europe.eu