Verena Wörner

Verena Wörner is studying human medicine at Ulm University since 2015 and takes part in the program „Traumaforschung und Traumaversorgung“ headed by Prof. Dr. med. Peter Radermacher and Prof. Dr. med. Markus Huber-Lang. Since April, she works on her medical doctor thesis at the department of Clinical & Biological Psychology at Ulm University and investigates the effects of traumatic childhood experience on biomolecular markers in serum.


Verena Wörner
Medical Doctoral candidate

Verena Woerner

Research interests

  • Impact of traumatic childhood experience on cell free mitochondrial DNA in serum
  • Methodical improvement of measuring cell free mitochondrial DNA


  • „Meine Kindheit – Deine Kindheit“


  • Since 2011: scholar of the Elite-Stiftung Ralf und Christa Mokros
  • Since 2015: scholar of the Cusanuswerk
  • Since 2016: scholar of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes