Office: O25/610
Phone: +49 731/50-25705
Dr.-Ing. Jens Friedland
Jens Friedland has different roles at the Institute of Chemical Engineering:
Research Associate in the group of Prof. Güttel
- Lecturer for
- Processdynamics and control (Bachelor)
- Modelling and Process Analysis (Bachelor)
- Seminar Chemical Engineering (Master)
- Instructor for
- Seminar Chemical Reaction Engineering II (Master)
- Chemical Reaction Engineering III (Master)
Scientific Career
Jens Friedland studied Chemical Engineering at Clausthal University of Technology with main courses in multiphase reaction engineering and apparatus design. He obtained a Dipl.-Ing. degree in 2013 (Dynamic CO methanation). He joined the early career group of Prof. Robert Güttel at Clausthal University of Technology in 2013 and worked at the Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering with Prof. Thomas Turek. Like his supervisor, he left Clausthal and moved to Ulm University in January 2017. In 2018, he received his Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D) with the "Characterization of an unsteady-state reaction system via pulse reaction with CO methanation as an example" form TU Clausthal. With this, he is the first to receive a Ph.D under the supervision of Prof. Güttel.
Scientific topics
- Dynamic processes in heterogeneous gasphase catalysis (in collaboration with Prof. Güttel)
- Chemical Engineering beyond earth (in collaboration with Prof. Güttel)
- Simulation and modelling of atomization processes in AAS (in collaboration with Prof. K. Leopold / Ulm University)
- Assisted and hybrid multiphase reactions
Memberships and Functions
- Member of the DECHEMA-/VDI-Fachsektion "Chemical Reaction Engineering" (since 2014)
- Member and Speaker of the DECHEMA German early career reaction engineers (NaWuReT) (since 2019/2021)
- Member of the admission commitee "Chemical Engineering" at Ulm University
- Member of the examination board "Chemical Engineering" at Ulm University
- Member of the advisory committee (Habilitation and adjunct professorships) of the senate at Ulm University (since 2022)