
Steffen Wendzel leitet das Institut für Organisation und Management von Informationssystemen (OMI) sowie das Kommunikations- und Informationszentrums (kiz) der Universität Ulm (Direktor der Universitätsbibliothek und Leiter des Universitätsrechenzentrums). Er habilitierte sich 2020 an der FernUniversität in Hagen, an der er 2013 auch promovierte. Zuvor war er Professor für IT-Sicherheit und Netzwerke an der Hochschule Worms und dort wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Zentrums für Technologie und Transfer (ZTT), Privatdozent an der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik der FernUniversität in Hagen sowie PostDoc am Dep. Cyber Security des Fraunhofer FKIE in Bonn.

Aktuelle Funktionen:

  • seit 2024: Leiter des Instituts für Organisation und Management von Informationssystemen (OMI)
  • seit 2024: Direktor der Universitätsbibliothek Ulm (kiz)
  • seit 2024: Leiter des Universitätsrechenzentrums (kiz)
  • seit 2024: Mitglied: Arbeitskreis der Leiterinnen und Leiter der wissenschaftlichen Rechenzentren in Baden-Württemberg (ALWR)
  • seit 2024: Mitglied: Arbeitsgruppe der Bibliotheksdirektorinnen und –direktoren in Baden-Württemberg (AG BibDir)
  • seit 2024: Mitglied: Großgerätekommission der Universität Ulm
  • seit 2024: Mitglied: Senatsausschuss Lehre, Universität Ulm
  • seit 2024: Mitglied: Lenkungsausschuss des Projekts Campusportal zur Einführung von HISinOne an der Universität Ulm
  • seit 2025: Vertreter der Univ. Ulm beim DFN
  • seit 2025: Projektverantwortlicher für bwHPC-S5 seitens der Universität Ulm

Selektierte vorherige Funktionen:

  • 2017-2023: Mitglied: EURASIP Special Area Team (SAT) on Biometrics, Data Forensics, and Security (BForSec)
  • 2015-2024: Mitglied: Europol EC3: Criminal Use of Information Hiding (CUIng) Initiative
  • 2014-2016: Mitglied: Arbeitskreis kritische Informations- und Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen (AK KRITIS) GI SIG Management für Informationssicherheit, SECMGT
  • 2013-2015: Mitglied: EU NIS Public-Private Platform Working Group 3 on Secure ICT research and innovation; Leading the AoI (Area of Interest) on Trustworthy (Hyperconnected) Infrastructures


In seiner Forschung konzentriert sich Steffen Wendzel insbesondere auf die folgenden Gebiete:

  • Internetzensur (Messung und Zensurumgehung)
  • Selektierte Aspekte der Netzwerksicherheit (Sicherheit von Automationsnetzen (insbesondere Gebäudeautomation) und IoT-Umgebungen)
  • Network Information Hiding (Network Covert Channels)
  • Management von IT-Systemen sowie Human Aspects von Information Security


Wendzel S, Schmidbauer T, Zillien S, Keller J. DYST (Did You See That?): An Amplified Covert Channel That Points To Previously Seen Data. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC). 2025; 22(1):614-631.      [DOI]      [Datei] 
Wendzel S, Mileva A, Franqueira VNL, Jaatun MG. Editorial: Fighting Cybersecurity Risks from a Multidisciplinary Perspective. Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS). 2024; 30(9):1137—1139.      [DOI]      [Datei] 
Wendzel S, Plötner J. Linux. Der Grundkurs. 2 ed. Rheinwerk Verlag; 2024.     [Datei] 
Wendzel S, Wressnegger C, Hartmann L, Freiling F, Armknecht F, Reinfelder L. Sicherheit 2024 — Beiträge der 12. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 2024.     [Datei] 
Schymiczek J, Schmidbauer T, Wendzel S. A Case Study on the Detection of Hash-Chain-based Covert Channels Using Heuristics and Machine Learning. In: Proc. 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024). ACM; 2024.      [DOI]      [Datei] 
Strachanski F, Petrov D, Schmidbauer T, Wendzel S. A Comprehensive Pattern-based Overview of Stegomalware. In: Proc. 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024). ACM; 2024.      [DOI]      [Datei] 
Dittmann J, Krätzer C, Kiltz S, Altschaffel R, Vielhauer C, Wendzel S, Wefel S, Nitsch H. Attribution von verdeckten (Informations-)Kanälen im Bereich kritischer Infrastrukturen und Potentiale für Prävention und Reaktion (ATTRIBUT). In: GI Sicherheit 2024 — Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 2024. p. 265—268.      [DOI]      [Datei] 
Zillien S, Schmidbauer T, Kubek M, Keller J, Wendzel S. Look What's There! Utilizing the Internet's Existing Data for Censorship Circumvention with OPPRESSION. In: Proc. 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS 2024). ACM; 2024. p. 80—95.      [DOI]      [Datei] 
Keller J, Heßeling C, Wendzel S. Robust and Homomorphic Covert Channels in Streams of Numeric Data. In: Proc. 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024). ACM; 2024.      [DOI]      [Datei] 
Wendzel S, Caviglione L, Mazurczyk W. Avoiding research tribal wars using taxonomies. IEEE Computer. 2023; 56(1):93—96.      [DOI]      [Datei] 

Offene Abschlussarbeiten und Projekte

Covert Channel Amplification for Censorship Circumvention [Bachelor/Master]. 2024.
Evaluation of Tor Obfuscation Extensions [Bachelor/Master]. 2024.


(Steering) Committee Memberships and Roles:

see above

Other Memberships:

  • IFIP TC11 Working Group 12 on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance
  • IFIP TC13 Working Group 10 on Human-Centred Technology for Sustainability
  • German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik), incl. SICHERHEIT (SIG SIDAR, SIG NETSEC et al.), since 2008


  • Elected Domain Expert, GI SIG (Fachbereich) Sicherheit, 2024.
  • Nominated for Akademiepreis des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz (2019 and 2022).
  • Featured Reviewer (ACM Computing Reviews), October 2018.
  • Youngest German professor at a University of Applied Sciences (of all professors registered at hlb), September 2018.
  • DAAD Scholarship for Academic Talks: Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, February 2016.
  • Best Paper Award at the International Workshop on Cyber Crime (IWCC 2015) for the paper: J. Kaur, S. Wendzel, M. Meier: Countermeasures for Covert Channel-internal Control Protocols, IEEE, 2015.
  • Best Paper Award at the The Seventh International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP’12), Stuttgart, 2012 for the paper: S. Wendzel, J. Keller: Design and Implementation of an Active Warden Addressing Protocol Switching Covert Channels, 2012.

Research Abroad:

  • 4/2023: Visiting colleagues at Technical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (host: Prof. Dr. Wojciech Mazurczyk).
  • 3/2023: Visiting colleagues at CentraleSupélec, Rennes, France (host: Prof. Dr. Jean-Francois Lalande).
  • 11-12/2022: Visiting researcher at Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (IMATI), CNR, Genova, Italy (host: Dr. Luca Caviglione).
  • 02/2016: Visiting colleagues at the Murdoch University, Perth, Australia (host: Dr. Sebastian Zander).
  • 2013, 2014, 2015: several longer stays in Brussels, Belgium, for Fraunhofer Brussels as part of EU-related activities.
  • 10/2013: Visiting colleagues at the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (host: Prof. Dr. Wojciech Mazurczyk).
  • 12/2011-01/2012: guest researcher at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, for the 2nd time for six weeks via project IT4SE (host: Dr. Masood Masoodian)
  • 12/2010-01/2011: guest researcher at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, for six weeks via project IT4SE (host: Dr. Masood Masoodian)

Advisory Board/Editorial Board Memberships

Journal Special Issues as Guest Editor

  • Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) special issue Fighting Cybersecurity Risks from a Multidisciplinary Perspective, 2023/2024, together with Aleksandra Mileva, Virginia N. L. Franqueira, and Martin Gilje Jaatun.
  • IEEE Security & Privacy (S&P) special issue on Security & Privacy Issues on Home Globalization, 2022, together with Luca Caviglione, Aleksandra Mileva and Simon Vrhovec.
  • Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) special issue on Emerging Topics in Defending Networked Systems, 2022, together with Luca Caviglione, Amir Houmansadr and Wojciech Mazurczyk.
  • it – Information Technology (ITIT) special issue on Information security methodology and replication studies, 2022, together with Luca Caviglione, Aleksandra Mileva, Jean-Francois Lalande and Wojciech Mazurczyk.
  • Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA) special issue on Multidisciplinary Solutions to Modern Cybersecurity Challenges, 2021, together with Luca Caviglione, Aleksandra Mileva and Simon Vrhovec.
  • Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) special issue on Information Security Methodology, Replication Studies and Information Security Education, 2020, together with Luca Caviglione, Alessandro Checco, Aleksandra Mileva, Jean-Francois Lalande and Wojciech Mazurczyk.
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII) special section on Cyber-Physical Security in Industrial Environments, 2019, together with Zhihan Lv, Wojciech Mazurczyk and Houbing Song.
  • IEEE Security & Privacy special issue on Digital Forensics, part 2, together with W. Mazurczyk, L. Caviglione and S. Garfinkel, 2019.
  • Security and Communication Networks (SCN) special issue Emerging and Unconventional: New Attacks and Innovative Detection Techniques, 2018, together with Luca Caviglione, Wojciech Mazurczyk and Sebastian Zander.
  • IEEE S&P Magazine special issue on Digital Forensics, part 1, together with W. Mazurczyk, L. Caviglione and S. Garfinkel, 2017.
  • Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) special issue on Security, Privacy and Reliability of Smart Buildings, together with J. Keller, 2016.

Conference and Workshop Organization

  • Chair:
    • 13th GI Sicherheit (SICHERHEIT 2024), Worms, DE, 2024.
    • 4th International Workshop on Information Security Methodology and Replication Studies (IWSMR), co-located with ARES 2022, Vienna, AT.
    • 3rd International Workshop on Information Security Methodology and Replication Studies (IWSMR), co-located with ARES 2021, Vienna, AT.
    • 2nd International Workshop on Information Security Methodology and Replication Studies (IWSMR), co-located with ARES 2020, Dublin, IR.
    • International Workshop on Information Security Methodology and Replication Studies (IWSMR) (IWSMR 2019), held in conjunction with ARES’19 in Canterbury, UK.
    • International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Reliability of Smart Buildings (SmartBuildingSec’16), Bonn, 2016.
  • (PC) Co-chair:
  • Session Organizer:
    • IH&MMSec’24 Special Session on Stego Malware: Attribution, Analysis and Detection (together with Claus Vielhauer), Baiona, Spain, 2024.
    • Session on High Performance Mission Critical System Development at HPCS 2019 in Dublin.
    • Session on “Emerging threats of Criminal Use of Information Hiding: Usage Scenarios and Detection Approaches” at 16th International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2017), Magdeburg, 2017
    • Session on “Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust for Smart Buildings” as well as member of the program board of Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust (HAS) Conference @HCII 2015, Los Angeles, 2015
  • Organizer:
    • CAST-e.V.-Workshop zum Thema “Sicherheit von Smart Buildings”, Darmstadt, 2017.
    • Industry workshop “Sicherheit in Smart Buildings”, Fraunhofer inHaus-Zentrum, Duisburg, 2015.
    • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Building Automation Reliable Infrastructure (BARNI) Workshop, Fraunhofer FKIE, 2014-2015.
    • Co-Organizer of the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th IT4SE workshop at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, 2010-2012.

Journal Reviews (Selection):

  • IEEE Communications Magazine
  • IEEE Network Magazine
  • IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJ-COMS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)
  • IEEE Spectrum magazine (Spectrum)
  • IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine
  • IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • IEEE Signal Processing Letters
  • IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN)
  • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  • IEEE Transactions on Education
  • IEEE IT Professional Journal
  • ACM Computing Reviews
  • Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS)
  • Elsevier Computers & Security
  • Elsevier Computer Standards & Interfaces
  • Elsevier Applied Soft Computing
  • Elsevier Journal of Information Security & Applications
  • Elsevier Information Sciences
  • Elsevier International Journal of Intelligent Networks
  • Springer Annals of Telecommunications - Annales des Télécommunications (ANTE)
  • Springer Journal of Hardware and Systems Security}
  • Springer Multimedia Systems Journal (MMSJ)
  • Wiley Security and Communication Networks (SCN)
  • Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility (JCSM)
  • Int. Journal on Advances in Security
  • IET Information Security
  • International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering
  • Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  • Informatica Journal (Slovenian Society Informatika)
  • Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science

(Technical) Program Committee Memberships:

  • Selected Conferences:
    • ACSAC: ACSAC’24
    • ATC (Advanced and Trusted Computing): ATC’21, ATC’19
    • EICC (European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference, former Central European Cybersecurity Conference): EICC’25, EICC’24, (pc co-chair ‘23), EICC’22, EICC’21, (pc co-chair ‘20), CECC’19, CECC’18, CECC’17 (initial event)
    • HAS (Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust): HAS’17, HAS’16, HAS’15
    • IFIP SEC: SEC’17, SEC’16, SEC’15
    • NSS: NSS’23, NSS’22, NSS’21, NSS’19, NSS’18, NSS’17
    • SICHERHEIT: (chair Sicherheit’24), Sicherheit’22, Sicherheit’20, Sicherheit’18, Sicherheit’16, Sicherheit’14.
    • CAST/GI Promotionspreis IT-Sicherheit: 2025, 2024, 2022
  • Selected Workshops:
    • BioStar/BCSN: BioStar’18, BioStar’17, BioStar’16, BCSN’15
    • CUING @ ARES (Criminal Use of Information Hiding): CUING’24, CUING’23, CUING’22, CUING’21, CUING’20, CUING’19, CUING’18, CUING’17 (initial event)
    • IWCC @ ARES (International Workshop on Cyber Crime): IWCC’24, IWCC’23, IWCC’22, IWCC’21, IWCC’20, IWCC’19, IWCC’18, IWCC’17, IWCC’16, IWCC’15, IWCC’14
    • PerEnergy (International Workshop on Pervasive Energy Services): PerEnergy’17, PerEnergy’16, PerEnergy’15
    • WTMC @ Euro S&P (Workshop on Traffic Measurement and Cybersecurity): WTMC’24, WTMC’23, WTMC’21, WTMC’20, WTMC’19, WTMC’18, WTMC’17, WTMC’16 (initial event)
  • Other PC Memberships (Selection): ACISP’20, EUSIPCO’23 and ‘19, IoT-SECFOR’19, IWDW’18, D-A-CH Security’18, AINA’17, D-A-CH Security’17, BigDAISy’17, IEACon’16, D-A-CH Security’16, GLOBECOM’15, ICIMP’13, ISTP’13
  • Invited reviews for: RAID’19, IECON’18, DIMVA’15, ICC’14
  • … and several special issue PC memberships for journals.

Reviews for Funding Proposals:

  • Innovationsförderagentur NRW/Forschungszentrum Jülich: NEXT.IN.NRW programme
  • Norges forskningsråd (Norwegian Research Society)

Reviews for books:

  • ACM Computing Reviews: multiple book reviews over the years (these appear in my list of publications as they are published reviews), since 2017
  • WILEY-IEEE Scientific: book proposal review, 2013
  • Galileo Press book review: Arnold Willemer: Linux-Server einrichten und administrieren mit Debian 6 GNU/Linux, 2011
  • Galileo Press book review: Dirk Becker: OpenVPN. Das Praxisbuch, 2008
  • Galileo Press book review: Thomas Theis: Einstieg in PHP5, 2006
  • Galileo Press book review: Sascha Kersken: Handbuch für Fachinformatiker; reviewed chapter on IT security, 2005


  1. History Covert Channels, GI FG NetSec, online, 2024-11-28.

  2. A Comprehensive Pattern-based Overview of Stegomalware, ARES CUING Workshop, Vienna, AT, 2024-07-31.

  3. History Covert Channels and Covert Channel Amplification, IH&MMSec Rump Session Talk, Baiona, ES, 2024-06-24.

  4. Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Steganographie und der Umgehung von Internetzensur, Forschungsseminar LG PV/VLSI, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, 2024-04-24.

  5. Recent Developments in Network Information Hiding, EURASIP Webinar, online, 2023-10-19.

  6. Herausforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit in der Gebäudeautomation, VDI Arbeitskreis Bauen und Gebäudetechnik: Technische Ausrüstung, online, 2023-08-08.

  7. Penetration-Testing mit Linux, Linux-Presentation-Day (LPD) 2023.1, Hochschule Worms, Worms, DE, 2023-05-26.

  8. Obfuskierte und versteckte Datenkommunikation: Subdomänen und Forschungstrends, Cyberagentur, online, DE, 2023-04-05.

  9. Obfuscation and Concealment Methods for Network Traffic, CentraleSupélec, Rennes, FR, 2023-03-30.

  10. Inaugural lecture: Gemeinsamkeiten und neue Ansätze von Obfuskations- und Versteckmethoden in Netzwerken, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, DE, 2023-02-13.

  11. 20 Jahre im Schnelldurchlauf: ein Linux-Handbuch im Wandel der Zeit, Linux-Presentation-Day (LPD) 2022, Hochschule Worms, Worms, DE, 2022-11-18.

  12. Keynote: Describing Steganography Hiding Methods with a Unified Taxonomy, ARES CUING Workshop, Vienna, AT, 2022-08-24.

  13. IT-Sicherheit für automatisierte Gebäude: ein Überblick, VDI Fachtagung Gebäudeautomation – intelligent und nachhaltig, Baden-Baden, DE, 2022-06-29.

  14. Steganography Hiding Patterns: A Brief Review, EICC’22 DETONATOR Workshop, online, 2022-06-15/16.

  15. Untersuchung des Gender-gaps bei Cybersecurity-Publikationen, GI Sicherheit 2022, Karlsruhe, DE, 2022-04-06.

  16. A Revised Taxonomy of Steganography Embedding Patterns, ARES’21 CUING Workshop, online, 2021-08-18.

  17. Keynote: Novel Approaches for Network Steganography Countermeasures, ZiTiS Forschungsseminar, online, 2021-07-13.

  18. BePI: Fast and Memory Efficient Method for Billion-scale Random Walk with Restart, Talk in front of Habilitation Commission, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Hagen, DE, 2020-11-02.

  19. Realisierung von Prozessen in Betriebssystem-Kerneln, Talk in front of Habilitation Commission, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Hagen, DE, 2020-09-21.

  20. Recent Advances in Network Steganography Detection, DeepIntel Conference, Vienna, AT, 2019-11-27.

  21. Anomalieerkennung für Smart Buildings, 2. Forum zum Erfahrungsaustausch in der Gebäudeautomation, BImA, Berlin, DE, 2019-11-26.

  22. Protocol-independent Detection of Covert Channels Using the ‘Size Modulation’ Pattern, ARES’19 CUING Workshop, Canterbury, UK, 2019-08-27.

  23. Smart Buildings – Herausforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit, Stuttgarter Sicherheitskonferenz, Stuttgart, 2019-07-15.

  24. Data leakage and covert data exfiltration: The new threat of network information hiding, Smart Rail World Conference, Munich, 2019-06-18.

  25. Taxonomie und wissenschaftliche Methodik für das Gebiet Network Information Hiding, FernUniversität in Hagen (Fakultätskolloquium Mathematik & Informatik), Hagen, 2019-05-27.

  26. IT-Sicherheit automatisierter Gebäude im IoT, Auvesy-Konferenz, Karlsruhe, 2019-05-16.

  27. Network Covert Channel Patterns: Current State and Methodology, University of Bonn (Oberseminar Inst. f. Informatik IV), 2019-01-16.

  28. Detection of covert channels in TCP retransmissions, 23rd Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec), Oslo, NO, 2018-11-29.

  29. IT-Sicherheit und das Internet der Dinge, VHS Böblingen-Sindelfingen e.V., online webinar, 2018-11-19.

  30. One Countermeasure, Multiple Patterns: Countermeasure Variation for Covert Channels, Central European Cybersecurity Conference (CECC), Ljubljana, SI, 2018-11-15.

  31. Get me cited, Scotty! Analyzing Citations in Covert Channel/Steganography Research, ARES’18 CUING Workshop, Hamburg, DE, 2018-08-28.

  32. Towards Deriving Insights into Data Hiding Methods Using Pattern-based Approach, ARES’18 CUING Workshop, Hamburg, DE, 2018-08-28.

  33. Network Information Hiding, COINS PhD Summer School 2018 (full-day class), Metochi, Lesvos, GR, 2018-07-28.

  34. IoT-Sicherheit für die GA-Industrie, VDMA, Frankfurt, 2018-05-02.

  35. Steganography Ante Portas, Hack-in-the-Box (HITB), Amsterdam, NL, 2018-04-12.

  36. IoT-Sicherheit – was ist neu und was ist wichtig?, Tüv-Süd Fachtagung Gebäude 4.0, München, 2018-04-11.

  37. IoT-Sicherheit – was ist daran neu und was relevant?, GI SecMgt Workshop ‘Neue’ Technologien und ‘neue’ Bedrohungen, Frankfurt, 2017-11-24.

  38. Inter-protocol Steganography for Real-time Services and Its Detection Using Traffic Coloring, 42th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Singapore, SG, 2017-10-10.

  39. Kryptografie und Netzwerksicherheit für die Gebäudeautomation, Bälz Seminar der Technischen Hochschule Köln, 2017-09-08.

  40. Sicherheit im Internet der Dinge, KMU meets KMH, Worms, 2017-05-29.

  41. Don’t You Touch My Nuts: Information Hiding In Cyber Physical Systems Using Smart Buildings, BioStar/IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, San José, CA, United States, 2017-05-25,

  42. Ant Colony-inspired Parallel Algorithm to Improve Cryptographic Pseudo Random Number Generators, BioStar/IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, San José, CA, United States, 2017-05-25 (per video stream).

  43. IT-Sicherheit mit BARNI (Building Automation Reliable Network Infrastructure), Smart Home and Metering Summit 2016, München, Germany, 2016-06-29.

  44. Forschung zur Sicherheit von Smart Buildings, SmartHome NRW-Event zur Sicherheit von Smart Homes, Bonn, Germany, 2016-04-26.

  45. Novel Approaches for Network Covert Storage Channels, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, 2016-02-19.

  46. IT-Sicherheit von Smart Homes: Chancen und Risiken, Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany, 2016-01-28.

  47. Security in Smart Building Networks, NRW.Invest / Germany at its best, Tower Bridge House, London, United Kingdom, 2015-12-03.

  48. inHaus-Event: Sicherheit von Smart Homes (event moderator), Fraunhofer inHaus-Zentrum, Duisburg, Germany, 2015-11-17.

  49. Your house knows what you did last summer (talk and panel), ECO Internet Security Days (ISD) 2015, Brühl, Germany, 2015-09-17.

  50. BACtag – Data Leakage Protection für Gebäude, D-A-CH Security 2015, St. Augustin, Germany, 2015-09-09.

  51. Analysis of Human Awareness of Security and Privacy Threats in Smart Environments, Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust, Los Angeles, United States, 2015-08-06.

  52. Auf dem Weg zum sicheren Smart Building, Forum Bauindustrie 2015, Zurich, Switzerland, 2015-05-21.

  53. Smart Buildings – sind sie kritische Infrastrukturen?, Workshop des AK KRITIS, Bonn, Germany, 2015-04-24.

  54. Vortrag über den wissenschaftlichen Ausblick auf die Cyber Security der Zukunft, 2. Mannheimer Symposium des IKZ ‘Möglichkeiten und Auswirkungen des Cyberspace’‘, Mannheim, Germany, 2014-11-06.

  55. Hidden and Uncontrolled: The Emergence of Network Steganography, ISSE 2014, Brussels, Belgium, 2014-10-14.

  56. Area of Interest on Trustworthy (Hyperconnected) Infrastructure (of NIS-P. WG3): Short Progress Report, Seminar on Road-mapping Cybersecurity Research and Innovation, Florence, Italy, 2014-10-08.

  57. Netzwerksicherheit in BACnet-Systemen (talk and panel), GLT Anwendertagung, Dresden, Germany, 2014-09-25.

  58. BACnet Security and Botnets, SANS European ICS Security Summit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2014-09-22.

  59. Alice’s Adventures in Smart Building Land – Novel Adventures in a Cyber Physical Environment, Hack in the Box (HITB), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2014-05-29/30.

  60. Smart Insecure Buildings, ITEC 2014 (International Training and Education Conference), Cologne, Germany, 2014-05-21.

  61. Smart Industrial Buildings: Sicherheit für Automation und Management von Gebäuden, 2. VDI Fachkonferenz Industrial IT Security, Frankfurt, Germany, 2014-05-07.

  62. Area of Interest on Trustworthy (Hyperconnected) Infrastructures, NIS Platform WG3 Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 2014-04-29.

  63. Part of Panel: Towards defining priorities for cybersecurity research in Horzon 2020’s work programme 2016-2017 – Contributions from the Working Group on Secure ICT - Research and Innovation of the NIS Platform, Trust in the Digital World Conference (TDW), Vienna, Austria, 2014-04-08.

  64. Envisioning Smart Building Botnets, GI Sicherheit 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014-03-21.

  65. Data Leakage Protection: Zukünftige Herausforderungen zur Sicherung von Vertraulichkeit, Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2014, Chemnitz, Germany, 2014-03-15/16.

  66. Zukünftige Herausforderungen für die Sicherheit Smarter Gebäude, 21. DFN Workshop zur Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen, Hamburg, Germany, 2014-02-18.

  67. Currently Addressed Challenges in Smart Building Security Research at Fraunhofer FKIE, 9th IT4SE Workshop, Augsburg, Germany, 2013-12-06.

  68. Keynote: Nach dem Angriff: Versteckte Exfiltration vertraulicher Daten, Heise Events Konferenztag Prism, Tempora und Co. – Rezepte gegen den Abhörwahn, Köln, Germany, 2013-12-03.

  69. Hiding Privacy Leaks in Android Applications Using Low-Attention Raising Covert Channels, ARES ECTCM Workshop, Regensburg, Germany, 2013-09-04.

  70. Novel Approaches for Network Covert Storage Channels, PhD thesis defense talk at the University of Hagen, Hagen, Germany, 2013-05-07.

  71. Novel Approaches for Network Covert Channels, Invited talk at Fraunhofer FKIE, Bonn, Germany, 2013-04-18.

  72. Covert Channel-internal Control Protocols, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Oberseminar, Hamburg, Germany, 2013-04-16.

  73. Sicherheit in Sozialen Netzwerken, Mitgliederversammlung Genossenschaftsbank Unterallgäu, Ottobeuren, Germany, 2013-03-21.

  74. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit im Zeitalter Sozialer Netzwerke, Forum Mindelheim/Genossenschaftsbank Unterallgäu eG, Mindelheim, Germany, 2013-03-18.

  75. Ich weiß, was du letzte Woche getan hast! Seitenkanäle in der Gebäudeautomation, Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2013, Chemnitz, Germany, 2013-03-17.

  76. The future of data exfiltration and malicious communication, TROOPERS’13, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013-03-13.

  77. Dynamic Routing in Covert Channel Overlays Based on Control Protocols, International Workshop on Information Security, Theory and Practice (ISTP-2012), London, United Kingdom, 2012-12-10.

  78. Covert Channels and their Prevention in Building Automation Protocols – A Prototype Exemplified Using BACnet, 2nd Workshop on Security of Systems and Software Resiliency, Besançon, France, 2012-11-20.

  79. Systematic Engineering of Control Protocols for Covert Channels, 13th Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS), Canterbury, United Kingdom, 2012-09-04.

  80. Control Protocols for Network Covert Channels, 7th GI FG SIDAR Graduierten-Workshop über Reaktive Sicherheit (SPRING), Berlin, Germany, 2012-07-06.

  81. Covert and Side Channels in Buildings and the Prototype of a Building-aware Active Warden, IEEE Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems, Ottawa, Canada, 2012-06-15.

  82. Design and Implementation of an Active Warden Addressing Protocol Switching Covert Channels, 7th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP), Stuttgart, Germany, 2012-05-28.

  83. Security in building automation systems and the prevention of malicious data communication in building automation networks, Linux-Informationstag der LUGA, Augsburg, Germany, 2012-03-24.

  84. The Problem of Traffic Normalization Within a Covert Channel’s Network Environment Learning Phase, GI Sicherheit 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, 2012-03-08.

  85. Micro protocols and dynamic protocol switches in network covert channels, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia, 2012-01-12.

  86. A Secure Interoperable Architecture for Building-Automation Applications, 4th Int. Symp. on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 2011-10-27.

  87. Low-attention forwarding for mobile network covert channels, 12th IFIP Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2011), Ghent, Belgium, 2011-10-21.

  88. Verdeckte Kanäle: Informationen durch die Hintertür, Datenspuren 2011, Dresden, Germany, 2011-10-15.

  89. Verdeckte Kanäle – Neuland für freie Software, Open-Source-Treffen München, Germany, 2011-07-22.

  90. Aktuelle Techniken und Methoden der verdeckten Kommunikationskanäle, Chaos Singularity (CoSin) 2011, Biel, Switzerland, 2011-06-25.

  91. Europäische Forschungsprojekte im Schnittbereich IT und erneuerbare Energien, 1st IT4SE-Workshop, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, Germany, 2010-12-07.

  92. Einführung in verdeckte Kanäle, 9. Linux-Infotag der Linux-Usergroup Augsburg (LUGA), Augsburg, Germany, 2010-05-27.

  93. Protocol Hopping Covert Channels und Protocol Channels, MetaRheinMain ChaosDays 0x8, Darmstadt, Germany, 2009-09-06.

  94. Hostbasierte Sicherheit und Linux-Hardening, Secure Linux Administration Conference (SLAC), Berlin, Germany, 2006-12-07.