
All screenshots are taken using the German version of Moodle. 

Declarations on autonomy

In the Task activity, there is also the possibility to ask the participants to provide a declaration of independence with which they confirm that they have produced the work themselves. There are three ways of doing this, depending on the submission mode, which we would like to explain in more detail below.

Target group

Practice & Test

Moodle Version 
Article is based on
Moodle Version 3.7

Kathrin Osswald
kiz - Abteilung Informationssysteme
Team Forschungs- und Bildungsdiebste

Activities & materials > Task activity

Declaration of autonomy for individual levies

If you want the students to hand in the task individually and confirm the explanation, then set this in the task settings as follows:
In the Delivery Settings section, set the selection in the menu item "Declaration of autonomy must be confirmed" to Yes. (fig. 1).
If a participant hands in his or her task, he or she has to tick the Declaration on autonomy required (fig. 2). If he does not do this, he cannot hand in the task.
The declaration reads as follows in German:

Diese Arbeit ist von mir selbständig verfasst. Sofern ich fremde Quellen/Werke im Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach verwendet habe, sind diese Stellen entsprechend gekennzeichnet und die Quellen explizit genannt. Dies gilt auch für Zeichnungen, Skizzen, bildliche Darstellungen sowie für Quellen aus dem Internet.


English translation:

This submission is my own work and written by myself. I have highlighted any use of external sources and have mentioned the sources explicitly. This also applies to drawings, sketches, images and sources from the Internet.


Figure 1
Figure 2

Erklärung zur Eigenständigkeit bei Gruppenabgaben

Tasks can of course also be set up in such a way that they are also to be handed in in groups. Here the default is that one group member hands in the task on behalf of all other members of the group. If the declaration of autonomy is to be queried as well, set this in the task settings as follows:
In the section Delivery Settings set the selection in the menu item "Declaration of autonomy must be confirmed" to Yes.
In addition, in the Group Submission Settings section, set the menu item "Students submit in groups" to Yes. (Figure 3)
If a participant gives his task for the whole group, then he must tick the required declaration of independence (Fig. 4). If he does not do this, he cannot hand in the task.
The declaration reads as follows in German:

Teile dieser Arbeit wurden von mir selbständig als Teil/e der Abgabengruppe verfasst. Sofern ich fremde Quellen/Werke im Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach verwendet habe, sind diese Stellen entsprechend gekennzeichnet und die Quellen explizit genannt. Dies gilt auch für Zeichnungen, Skizzen, bildliche Darstellungen sowie für Quellen aus dem Internet.

English translation: 

Parts of this submission are my own work and written by myself as group member. I have highlighted any use of external sources and have mentioned the sources explicitly. This also applies to drawings, sketches, images and sources from the Internet.


Figure 3
Figure 4

Declaration of autonomy for group fees with fee confirmation by all group members

The group deliveries can be set (like the individual deliveries) in such a way that the delivery must be confirmed by pressing the delivery button. In the case of group fees, however, the declaration of independence changes, because now it is no longer a group member who makes the fee on behalf of the group, but each member must confirm the fee himself. 
If you want to use this, set the task as follows:
In the Delivery Settings section you set these selections:

  • Menu item "Submission button must be pressed" to Yes.
  • Menu item "Declaration of autonomy must be confirmed" to Yes

In addition, in the section Settings for group submissions, set these selections: 

  • Menu item "Students submit in groups" also set to Yes.
  • Menu entry "Requires confirmation of submission by all group members" to Yes. (Figure 5)

Now the situation is that although one group member can upload the solution for everyone. In this case, no explanation will appear there that needs to be confirmed, because here the delivery is only done by pressing the deliver button (fig. 6). Only in the next step the mandatory selection field appears and only if this is confirmed, the solution can be handed in (fig. 7).

The declaration in German is as follows:

Diese Arbeit wurde von uns selbständig verfasst. Sofern wir fremde Quellen/Werke im Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach verwendet haben, sind diese Stellen entsprechend gekennzeichnet und die Quellen explizit genannt. Dies gilt auch für Zeichnungen, Skizzen, bildliche Darstellungen sowie für Quellen aus dem Internet. Meine Gruppenmitglieder haben mich zur Abgabe dieser Erklärung auch in deren Namen bevollmächtigt und sind damit einverstanden.

English translation:

This submission is the work of my group and written by ourselves. We have highlighted any use of external sources and have mentioned the sources explicitly. This also applies to drawings, sketches, images and sources from the Internet. My group members have also authorized me to submit this statement in their name and agree.


Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Help, questions, suggestions

If you need further help* on this topic, or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time!
*Have you ever thought of looking for help or a solution in our help section on these pages or in the Moodle documentation (see above or docs.moodle.org/)?