Welcome to the Institute of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine!

Dear Madams and Sirs,

The Institute of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine welcomes you!

Our Institute was established in the year 2008. In 2023, we moved from Parkstraße 11 to the Barbara Mez-Starck-Haus at Oberberghof. At the location, you will find the Research Ethics Committee as well as the department for Medical Sociology and the reference library of the University of Ulm.

I head the Institute since July 2016. In our research, we address the historical development of medicine since its beginning until now. In several third party funded projects, we pursue research questions from the period stretching from antiquity to modern times. Beyond that, we study various medico-ethical issues. We are also comprehensively certified for professional ethics consulting. In teaching, we impart to our students competences in areas of history of medicine, theory of science and ethics of medicine, which are essential for the practice of the medical profession.

If you are interested in our activities, feel free to browse through our homepage or just to come over and visit us.

With best regards,

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Steger 


Reference library

Olga Polianski, M.A. 
Mon-Thu. 9:00-15:00
Fr. 9:00-13:00 and by appointment

Universität Ulm
Barbara Mez-Starck-Haus
Oberberghof 7
89081 Ulm

URL: website