Financial Modeling Summer 2020

General Remarks

The course will be offered online via Moodle.

The goal of this course is that students are able to solve practical financial problems with Excel, using spreadsheet functions as well as VBA programming. Students will also have an increased familiarity with methods and concepts from finance.



Familiarity with basic concepts from financial economics (discounting, risk and return, option pricing) is important. The course is structured such that bachelor students can acquire such a knowledge by parallel attendance of the lecture Finanzierung.  The courses Asset Pricing plus Financial Mathematics I would provide the necessary background for master students.

You will need access to a computer/laptop with Microsoft Excel for this course. As a student, you can get Excel for a minimal fee of 3.99€  see this link (in German only; we are happy to help if needed).

If you are an Excel novice watch one of our introduction videos for Excel in English or German  (will be available via Moodle). Most students in the course will have some basic Excel literacy. If you struggle with the preparation tasks that we wil ask you to solve, it is likely that you benefit from investing some more time into getting more familiar with Excel. 


Please see "General Remarks" to the left.


Prof. Dr. Gunter Löffler

Nenad Ćurčić

Syed Wasif Hussain

Dates and Room

Online, in lockstep with the usual semester dates:

Mondays 14.15-15.45