Promovierendenkonvent at Ulm University

The Promovierendenkonvent (doctoral students representatives' board; Proko) has the goal to offer a central plattform for everybody who intends, performs or already has finished a PhD at Ulm University. We represent the interests of the doctoral students in different committees of the university and form a lobby.


The mission of the Promovierendenkonvent is to:

  • Represent the interests of doctoral students inside and outside the university; make recommendations on all matters relating to doctoral students;
  • Draft statements on statutes and regulations relating pursuit of a doctorate;
  • Give support and advice to doctoral students in matters related to their doctoral studies;
  • Promote interdisciplinary and cross-faculty networking among doctoral students and with other Promovierendenkonventen.

Mailing list

Doctoral students receive relevant information regarding their studies at the university via the mailing list doktoranden [] Distributed mails contain, amongst others, calls for applications for the funding programs of ProTrainU, information about seminars held particularly for doctoral students and invitations to networking events. Enrolled students are added to the mailing list automatically; everybody else can and should subscribe to the list via