Arrays of waveguide-coupled optical cavities that interact strongly with atoms - G. Lepert, M. Trupke, M.J. Hartmann, M.B. Plenio and E.A. Hinds
New Journal of Physics 13, 113002 (2011) | ArXiv -
Frustrated Quantum Spin Models with Cold Coulomb Crystals - A. Bermudez, J. Almeida, F. Schmidt-Kaler, A. Retzker and M.B. Plenio
Physical Review Letters 107, 207209 (2011) | ArXiv -
Generalized Polaron Ansatz for the Ground State of the Sub-Ohmic Spin-Boson Model: An Analytic Theory of the Localization Transition - A.W. Chin, J. Prior, S.F. Huelga and M.B. Plenio
Physical Review Letters 107, 160601 (2011) | ArXiv -
Electron-Mediated Nuclear-Spin Interactions Between Distant NV-Centers - A. Bermudez, F. Jelezko, M.B. Plenio and A. Retzker
Physical Review Letters 107, 150503 (2011) | ArXiv
*Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics and as Editors’ suggestion -
Quantum dynamics of bio-molecular systems in noisy environments - S.F. Huelga and M.B. Plenio
Procedia Chemistry 3, 248 – 257 (2011) -
Renormalization Group algorithms with graph enhancement: reprise - R. Hübener, C. Kruszynska, L. Hartmann, W. Dür, M.B. Plenio and J. Eisert
Physical Review B 84, 125103 (2011) | ArXiv -
Heterogeneous Kibble-Zurek mechanism: vortex nucleation during Bose-Einstein condensation - A. del Campo, A. Retzker and M.B. Plenio
New Journal of Physics 13, 083022 (2011) | ArXiv -
Quantum Gates and Memory using Microwave Dressed States - N. Timoney, I. Baumgart, M. Johanning, A. F. Varon, M.B. Plenio, A. Retzker and Ch. Wunderlich
Nature 476, 185 (2011) | ArXiv Experimental quantitative verification of entanglement in photonic cluster state experiments - H. Wunderlich, G. Vallone, P. Mataloni and M.B. Plenio
New Journal of Physics 13, 033033 (2011) | ArXiv
*Chosen for IOP Select 2011-
Enhancement of laser cooling by the use of magnetic field gradients - A. Albrecht, A. Retzker, Ch. Wunderlich, and M.B. Plenio
New Journal of Physics 13, 033009 (2011) | ArXiv -
Atomic Fock states by gradual trap reduction: From sudden to adiabatic limits - D. Sokolovski, M. Pons, A. del Campo and J.G. Muga
Physical Review A 83, 013402 (2011) | ArXiv -
Simulation of noise-assisted transport via optical cavity networks - F. Caruso, N. Spagnolo, C. Vitelli, F. Sciarrino, and M.B. Plenio
Physical Review A 83, 013811 (2011) | ArXiv -
Fast frictionless dynamics as a toolbox for low-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates - A. del Campo
Europhysics Letters 96, 60005 (2011) | ArXiv -
Frictionless quantum quenches in ultracold gases: a quantum dynamical microscope - A. del Campo
Physical Review A 84, 031606(R) (2011) | ArXiv -
Comparing, Optimising and Benchmarking Quantum Control Algorithms in a Unifying Programming Framework - S. Machnes, U. Sander, S.J. Glaser, P. de Fouquieres, A. Gruslys, S. Schirmer, T. Schulte-Herbrueggen
Physical Review A 84, 022305 (2011) | ArXiv -
Interaction-dependent temperature effects in Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices - M. Cramer
Physical Review Letters 106, 215302 (2011) | ArXiv -
Measuring entanglement in condensed matter systems - M. Cramer, M.B. Plenio, and H. Wunderlich
Physical Review Letters 106, 020401 (2011) | ArXiv -
Local hypothesis testing between a pure bipartite state and the white noise state - M. Owari, and M. Hayashi
ArXiv -
Reconstructing quantum states efficiently - M. Cramer and M.B. Plenio
ArXiv -
Quantum memory for entangled continuous-variable states - K. Jensen, W. Wasilewski, H. Krauter, T. Fernholz, B. M. Nielsen, M. Owari, M. B. Plenio, A. Serafini, M. M. Wolf and E. S. Polzik
Nature Physics 7, 13-16 (2011) | ArXiv

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Most Recent Papers
Unlocking Heisenberg Sensitivity with Sequential Weak Measurement Preparation, Quantum 9, 1590 (2025), arXiv:2403.05954
Time dependent Markovian master equation beyond the adiabatic limit, Quantum 8, 1534 (2024), arXiv:2304.06166
Spectral density modulation and universal Markovian closure of fermionic environments, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 174114 (2024), arXiv:2407.10017
MPSDynamics.jl: Tensor network simulations for finite-temperature (non-Markovian) open quantum system dynamics, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 084116 (2024), arXiv:2406.07052
Controlling Markovianity with Chiral Giant Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 063603 (2024), arXiv:2402.15556