- Einführung in die Nachrichtentechnik
- Signale und Systeme
- Channel Coding
- Dialogue Systems
- Iterative Methods for Wireless Communications
- Multiuser Communications and MIMO Systems
- Algebraic Channel Coding (NEW in winter 2023/24)
- Angewandte Mathematik für Ingenieure
- Signal Theory (is no longer offered from winter 2023/24)
- Advanced Channel Coding (is no longer offered from winter 2023/24)
- Mathematik der digitalen Medien (is no longer offered)
- Embedded Security (is no longer offered from winter 2021/22)
- Channel Coding
- Digital Communications
- Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen
- Satellite Communications and Navigation
- Applied Information Theory
(is not offered in summer 2024 but will be offered in winter 2024/25) - Multiuser Communications and MIMO Systems
(is not offered in summer 2024)
- Communication Systems (is no longer offered from summer 2024)
- Compressed Sensing (is no longer offered from summer 2022)