ZEUS-Workshop in Ulm
Congratulations to Florian Wirthmüller for the successful defense of his PhD thesis
Congrats! Sebastian Steinau successfully defended his PhD thesis
BMBF Project Softproc (Programm KMU Innovativ) completed successfully
Member of the Senate of Ulm University
Resignation of the chairmanship of the doctoral committee Dr rer. nat
DBIS participates in the EU Horizon research project IMPROVA
Doctoral Award for Dr Michael Winter
Congrats! Burkhard Hoppenstedt successfully defended his PhD thesis
If you have any questions regarding a news, DBIS in general or if you want to make an appointment with our directors, please contact our secretary Ms. Reinbold. She is looking forward to helping you!
In case you have any subject-related questions, e.g. regarding a lecture or a thesis, please contact our staff members directly.
Contact Details
Ulm University
Institute of Databases and Information Systems
Building O27 Level 5
89081 Ulm, Germany
Phone: +49 731 50 24131 (Secretariat)
Fax: +49 731 50 24134