Developing an approach to automate the building and deployment of configurable Progressive Web Applications

Ulm University

MA Abschlussvortrag, David Fraas, Ort: Online, Datum: 09.12.2020, Zeit: 12:30 Uhr

The omnipresence of smartphones enables new methods of collecting data for research purposes on a certain research group. One possibility is the use of Ecological Momentary Assessments where a person completes assessments in his natural environment and chronologically close to the event he has to assess. This reduces the distortion of the research data compared to a retrospective assessments. Combined with Mobile Crowdsensing, where the sensors of the smartphone are used to collect additional context data, new insights on topics like chronic diseases can be gained.
However, there is no generic software solution to build and run EMA applications in combination with Mobile Crowdsensing to collect research data. In this thesis, a framework to automate the building and deployment process of configurable Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) is implemented. The thesis examines related projects to define the functional and non-functional requirements for the implementation. In the next step, a concept with technological and architectural aspects and a interface design for the web application are developed. The resulting implementation of the framework covers the processes of configuring, building and running the PWA, as well as the functionality of the PWA with notification scheduling, sensor usage and offline access. A comparison between the requirements and the actual implementation shows, that the framework achieved the goal to develop an approach for building and deploying configurable PWAs.