Awarding 12 Scholarships in the Post Graduate School Cognitive Computing in Socio-Technical Systems

Ulm University

In the Opens internal link in current windowPost Graduate School Cognitive Computing in Socio-Technical Systems, 12 scholarships to highly-qualified scientific talents for preparing the doctoral degree are jointly awarded by Opens internal link in current windowUlm University and the Opens external link in new windowUniversity of Applied Sciences Ulm.

The post graduate school (Promotionskolleg) aims to develop innovative approaches for cognitive machines and the upcoming era of cognitive computing. Those approaches constitute the methodological and technological foundation for implementing complex infrastructures that enable the creation of new kinds of socio-technical systems in which humans and artificial system collaborate and interact with each other. Respective infrastructures further will enable the implementation of intelligent service robots and companion systems as well as a resource-effective control of logistics and production processes. Finally, they are of high relevance for bringing Industry 4.0 to life.

The scholarships will be granted for 12 doctoral projects for initially one year, starting – if possible – on 1st October 2016. Moreover, there will be the option of a two-year extension (i.e. the standard funding term is 3 years). The twelve doctoral projects aim at tightly linking the four fundamental pillars of cognitive computing – (i) perception, (ii) planning & reasoning, (iii) learning, and (iv) interaction. Application domains include service robotics, Industry 4.0, decentralized logistics, and adaptive process management systems.

Please submit your application no later than 1st August 2016. More information regarding the application and the Post Graduate School are available at:

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