Interview with Manfred Reichert on Next Generation Process Management Technology

Ulm University

Business Process Management used to be a completely theoretical discipline based on tedious and fractional data collection, lots of assumptions and little validation. However, the integration of new software, IT systems, and business process technology now makes it possible to manage business processes in a completely different, fact-based manner.

Manfred Reichert has devoted his work to researching different aspects of Business Process Management, in particular Next Generation Process Management technology. He studies enterprise demands, trends and challenges for technologies in the field such as, e.g., adaptive and flexible processes, process lifecycle management, data-driven and data-centric processes, and mobile process support. For his work, he has received numerous awards including the BPM Test of Time Award, Merckle Forschungspreis, IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award, and doIT Software Award. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the BPM conference series and a longstanding academic partner with the Celonis Academic Alliance.

Celonis talked with Manfred Reichert about current trends and topics for Next Generation Process Management technology. The interview has been published in the Celonis Blog on “Frictionless Future / Academics explain Process Mining” as well as on LinkedIn.

Academics explain Process Mining: Manfred Reichert on Next Generation Process Management Technology 27. August 2020