Project Description


Students are able to conduct a project-oriented, scientific work in the area of Semantic Web technologies. They have the ability to define an innovative project topic, acquire skills and technologies required for the project, find related works and base their own work on them where appropriate. The students are further able to work independently in a team and to apply state-of-the-art methods to develop concepts and solutions for the project topic. They can document the results in the form of a scientific report and present their findings in the form of a presentation. They are able to acquaint themselves with a new topic and to conduct a scientific project.

Project Content:

Assisted by the lecturer, a small team of participants develops independently a suitable project topic in the area of the Semantic Web. Previous related work has to be considered and incorporated into the project as required. The project idea is documented in the form of a written detailed project proposal.

The first step within the project is the development of a theoretical concept that considers related work in the area. As a next step, the students develop a detailed plan for the practical realisation of the project. The projects are conducted in small groups of 3 to 4 students. The following steps are planned for conducting the project:

  • Definition of a topic
  • Literature review of related work
  • Concept draft
  • Evaluation of suitable technologies
  • Self-learning of the required technical foundations
  • Architecture design
  • Development of a concrete plan for conducting the project - Implementation
  • Integration
  • Test
  • Deployment
  • It is required to document the project. Concrete project topics are defined along the research topics of the institute. 

Initial Meeting

A first meeting for prospective participants takes place on Friday October 21th, 2016 at 11:00 in room O27/441.