Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Bezold

rgtabs: Main Menue

PhD Thesis


Adapting Multimodal Interactive Systems to User Behaviour




The subject of this thesis will be to develop techniques for multi-modal dialogue systems that are more user-friendly by making them adaptive to the needs and customs of the user. Many of today's interfaces, especially in the automotive environment, are very complex to use, while they should require as little attention as possible to avoid distraction. Automotive environments are characterized by a heterogeneous user group, which can be differentiated by several characteristics.

Experience and expertise: On the one hand, there are users who are accustomed to the interface by daily use, but demand an interface that can be used quickly. First-time users, on the other hand, require guidance while they explore and get to know the interface.
Situation and workload: When all the driver's attention is required for the primary task (e.g. while driving at high speed or in high traffic), an interface should distract the user as little as possible.
Overall demand: Moreover, different people have different demands toward dialogue systems. While some users want to use every detail of the system, others are satisfied when they know how to use the basic functionalities.
Specific needs: Especially elderly people require systems that are easy to use. Offering this group of users a system that provides less functionality, but in a way that they can use all of it, can be a better solution than offering lots of functionality that is not used due to the complex interface.

The aim of this thesis is to develop techniques to adapt dialogue systems to user behaviour, departing from the 'one size fits all' approach used today. The objective is to determine if and how dialogue systems can be adaptive and which parts of them are apt for adaptation. Different kinds of adaptations are possible, but only those that make the dialogue system more user friendly should be pursued. The utility of the developed approaches will be illustrated and evaluated with real users interacting with the developed prototype solutions.

Research Interests
  • Adaptive and adaptable dialogue systems
  • Modelling of adaptive systems
Master- & Bachelor-Theses
Embedded Aigaion Query 2008

Master Thesis
Adaptierung von Dialogsystemen durch Bedienmustererkennung
Link to Document

Embedded Aigaion Query 2011

M. Bezold and W. Minker
Adaptive Multimodal Interactive Systems
Springer, Boston (USA), 2011
Link to Document


M. Bezold and W. Minker
A Framework for Adapting Interactive Systems to User Behavior
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 2, Num. 4, pp. 369--387, 2010
Link to Document


M. Bezold
A Semantic Framework for Adapting Interactive Systems in Intelligent Environments
5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'09), IOS Press, Barcelona, Spain, Series: Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 2, pp. 204-211, July 2009
Link to Document

M. Bezold
User Modeling from Basic Events in Interactive Systems for Intelligent Environments
5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’09), IOS Press, Barcelona, Spain, Series: Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 2, pp. 319-326, July 2009
Link to Document

M. Bezold
Describing User Interactions in Adaptive Interactive Systems
First and Seventeenth International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP), Springer, Trento, Italy, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5535, pp. 150-161, June 2009
Link to Document

M. Bezold
Towards Formalized Adaptation Patterns for Adaptive Interactive Systems
14th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP), Kloster Irsee, Germany, 2009
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M. Bezold
An Ontology-based Adaptation Framework for Multimodal Interactive Systems
TAMODIA/HCSE, Springer, Pisa, Italy, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5247, pp. 205-212, 2008
Link to Document

H. Wesseling, M. Bezold and N. Beringer
Automatic Evaluation Tool for Multimodal Dialogue Systems
PIT, Springer, Kloster Irsee, Germany, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5078, pp. 297-305, 2008
Link to Document

M. Bezold
Describing User Actions in Adaptive Interfaces with Probabilistic Acceptors
LWA/ABIS, Würzburg, Germany, pp. 10-13, 2008
Link to Document


Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Bezold

Matthias Bezold
Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Bezold
Graduation Date: 07.11.2011
First Employment: 3Soft, Germany