Politicized medicine

Our subject is politicized medicine in Eastern European dictatorships. In this research, selected dictatorships are included in a comparative perspective: the Soviet Union, especially Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, the Polish People’s Republic, as well as Germany, especially the German Democratic Republic (GDR). The comparative approach makes it possible to describe similarities and differences between the praxis of politicized medicine in these countries and to make statements about its functions and exercise.

Prof. Dr. Juris Salaks, Institute of the History of Medicine, Rīga Stradiņš University Prof. Dr. Florian Steger, Institute of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine Ulm University Dr. Aistis Žalnora, Institute of Public Health, Vilnius UniversityMaie Toomsalu, Department of Anatomy, Tartu University


running time: 2020

This project of the Baltic German University Account is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office: http://www.hochschulkontor.lv/de/projekti/atbalstitie-projekti/politisierte-medizin/