Breaking ground for the teaching facility “To Train U” – new training hospital for medical students

Ulm University

At Ulm University, a new training facility is being erected in which medical students will have the opportunity to learn medical conduct and medical skills in a clinical setting. The new facility is entitled “University Hospital for Advanced Education Ulm” (for short “To Train U – TTU”).


The new building, with roughly 3,100 square meters of space, will include customised training rooms and labs (“SkillsLabs”), some with a flexible design. The facility will provide students with a simulation operating theatre, a simulation shock room with an entrance for emergency personnel and various hospital rooms and doctors’ offices. Here, students will be able to go through practise treatment discussions and treatment processes with “acting patients”. The planned directing/observation and meeting rooms will serve for purposes of evaluation and assessment.


In addition, the “Braak Academy for Neuroanatomy” is moving in adjacent to the administration office for the medical dean’s office. The Academy offers continuing education in the areas of neuroanatomical and neuropathological structure research. It is named after local Senior Professor Heiko Braak, who has been researching neurodegenerative processes in the central nervous system for decades and has also established a worldwide standard in detailing Alzheimer’s disease with his “Braak stages”. The centre of the five-story building will be a lecture hall with 450 seats.


Prior to the official ground breaking on Monday, 16 October at 4:00pm, Professor Tobias Böckers, dean of studies in the Medical Department, provided insight into the structure of the training hospital and presented a few learning formats developed especially for the TTU (3:30pm; N25, lecture hall 4/5 and media wall forum).


The Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg Ulm office is the authority responsible for the construction. Architectural firm Tiemann-Petrie und Partner from Stuttgart is managing the building site. The “To Train U” construction project entails costs of approximately 20 million euros. Construction is scheduled for completion in early 2021.