PD Dr. Jens Maßberg
Universität Ulm
Institut für Optimierung und Operations Research
89069 Ulm
Universität Ulm
Institut für Optimierung und Operations Research
Helmholtzstraße 18 / Raum 1.50
89081 Ulm
Telefon: 0731/50-23635
Fax: 0731/50-23499
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
- J. Maßberg: Geometrical and combinatorial optimization problems. Habilitationsschrift, Ulm 2015
- J. Maßberg: The Depth-Restricted Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence Problem is NP-complete. arXiv:1508.06792 (2015)
- J. Maßberg: The Union-Closed Sets Conjecture for Small Families. arXiv:1508.05718 (2015)
- J. Maßberg: The rectilinear Steiner tree problem with given topology and length restrictions. Proc. COCOON 2015, pp. 445-456
- S. Fujishige, J. Maßberg: Dual Consistent Systems of Linear Inequalities and Cardinality Constrained Polytopes. Mathematical Programming, Series B (150), pp. 35-48 (2015), DOI:10.1007/s10107-014-0748-2
- J. Maßberg: Generalized Huffman Coding for Binary Trees with Choosable Edge Lengths. Information Processing Letters 115, pp. 502-506 (2015)
- J. Maßberg: Solitaire Chess is NP-complete, arXiv:1501.06398 (2015)
- J. Maßberg: The "Game about Squares" is NP-hard, arXiv:1408.3645 (2014)
- J. Maßberg: Perfect Graphs and Guarding Rectilinear Art Galleries, Discrete & Computational Geometry 51 (3), pp. 569-577 (2014)
- J. Maßberg: Online Binary Minimax Trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (16-17), pp. 2556-2562 (2013)
- J. Maßberg, T. Nieberg: Rectilinear Paths with Minimum Segment Lengths. Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (12), pp. 1769–1775 (2013)
- S. Fujishige, J. Maßberg: Dual Consistent Systems of Linear Inequalities and Cardinality Constrained Polytopes. Proc. ISCO, LNCS 7422, pp. 153–164 (2012)
- J. Maßberg, J. Schneider: Rectangle Packing with Additional Restrictions. Theoretical Computer Science 412 (50), pp. 6948–6958 (2011)
- C. Bartoschek, S. Held, J. Maßberg, D. Rautenbach, J. Vygen: The Repeater Tree Construction Problem. Information Processing Letters 110, pp. 1079–1083 (2010)
- J. Maßberg, D. Rautenbach: Binary Trees with Choosable Edge Lengths. Information Processing Letters 109 (18), pp. 1087–1092 (2009)
- J. Maßberg, J. Vygen: Approximation Algorithms for a Facility Location Problem with Service Capacities. ACM Transactions of Algorithms 4 (2008), Article 50
- J. Maßberg, J. Vygen: Approximation Algorithms for Network Design and Facility Location with Service Capacities. Proc. APPROX 2005, pp. 158–169
- S. Held, B. Korte, J. Maßberg, M. Ringe, J. Vygen: Clock Scheduling and Clocktree Construction for High Performance ASICs. Proc. ICCAD 2003, pp. 232–239
- G. Hutzl, S. Held, J. Köhl, B. Korte, J. Maßberg, M. Ringe, J. Vygen: Structure for optimizing the signal time behavior of an electronic circuit design. US7886245 (2011)
- G. Hutzl, S. Held, J. Köhl, B. Korte, J. Maßberg, M. Ringe, J. Vygen: Method and computer system for optimizing the signal time behavior of an electronic circuit design. US7844931 (2010)
Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik:
Dokumentation Modul III (2014): "Einsatz von Blended-Learning in der Vorlesung 'Optimierung/OR II'"
Wintersemester 2015/16:
Angewandtes Operations Research
Sommersemester 2015:
frühere Semester:
WS14/15: Online and Distributed Algorithms
SS14: Mathematics of Games (in English)
WS13/14: Optimization / OR 2 (in English)
SS13: Mathematics of Games (in English)