Exchange possibilities within the "Educational Network on Soil and Plant Ecology and Management"
The members of the educational network seek to increase the student exchange between the involved universities.
With the annual Summer School “Soil & Water” we enable students to take a 14-day course in one of the partner countries.
All partner universities hold Erasmus+ exchange agreements with each other. With the Erasmus+ program students can go abroad for 3 - 12 months in each study cycle (Bachelor and Master) or 3 - 24 months in a study with state examination. There are two different grant and mobility schemes for students:
1. Student Mobility for Studies (SMS):
Students can study abroad for 3 - 12 months.
Below you find important dates of the partner universities:

* Please consider, that there might be exams after the semester and that some courses might start before or after the duration of the semester.
Courses at the respective universities:
At the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia) there are several English courses for exchange students.
The University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic) offers courses in English and in Czech.
Aix-Marseille University (France) offers French courses in the Bachelor's and the Master's programs.
At Ulm University (Germany) there is an English Master's program. The courses of the Bachelor's program are in German.
2. Student Mobility Traineeship (SMT):
Students can do traineeships abroad for 2 - 12 months during or immediately after their study. During these traineeships, the practical part of a Bachelor / Master thesis can be accomplished.
If you want to find out more about traineeships at one of the partner universities of the "Educational Network on Soil and Plant Ecology and Management", please follow the link of the respective university:
More information
If you are interested in an Erasmus+ exchange between the partner universities, please visit the homepage of your university's international office and contact the respective person in charge:
Homepages of the International Offices:

- Dr. Eva Keppner
- eva.keppner(at)
- **49-(0)731-50-23317

- Dr. Philipp von Wrangell
- philipp.wrangell(at)
- **49-(0)731-50-23930
- **49-(0)731-50-23932

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