Work package 1: Summer School
Based on the experience of previous Summer Schools during the Erasmus IP “Soil & Water”, this interdisciplinary international teaching course for students from four EU countries will be continued.
Target groups of the Summer School are students from advanced undergraduate and graduate levels having teaching curricula focused on Biology and Environmental Sciences. Students from the University of Life Sciences (Estonia), University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic), Aix-Marseille University (France) and Ulm University (Germany) can participate in this course. They will gain an interdisciplinary insight in different areas of Soil Science and Plant Ecology. Participants will obtain 9 ECTS after finishing this 14-day course.
The lectures will be provided by experts from all partner universities, who will cover specific fields (i.e. soil development and degradation, soil microbiology, plant-soil interactions, etc.). Field trips and on-site teaching will demonstrate key system elements and main processes related to soil environment and its effects on plants and soil organisms.
In order to improve teaching quality within the Summer School we have elaborated a portfolio that includes important information about didactics, suggestions for successful presentations and further suggestions for international intensive courses.
The four Summer Schools "Soil & Water" within our Strategic Partnership took place in France in September 2014, in Germany in September 2015 , in the Czech Republic in September 2016 and in Estonia in June/July 2017.
After the end of the project the summer school took place in France (2018) and in the Ukraine (2019). The next Summer School is planned for September 2020 in Czech Republic.
The flyer for the Summer School "Soil & Water" can be viewed here.
The lectures and seminars during our Summer Schools "Soil and Water" are held entirely in English. To fasciliate the understanding of scientific terms during these lectures we prepared a list of important words used in the field of soil and plant ecology, translated in the four partner languages (German, Estonian, Czech and French).
This list of terms can be found here.

- Dr. Eva Keppner
- eva.keppner(at)
- **49-(0)731-50-23317

- Dr. Philipp von Wrangell
- philipp.wrangell(at)
- **49-(0)731-50-23930
- **49-(0)731-50-23932
Important information
All participants of the Summer School within the Educational Network
- are self-responsible for their travel insurance.
- have to make sure that their travel insurance is sufficient for the countries wherein the programme takes place.
See the following links for further information:

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