Dr. Michael Gentner
Universität Ulm
Institut für Optimierung und Operations Research
89081 Ulm
Helmholtzstr. 18 / Raum 1.47
Donnerstag, 14-16 Uhr, ab 2. November 2017
Telefon: 0731/50-23637
Email: Mail

Wintersemester 2017/18
Wintersemester 2016/17
Sommersemester 2016
Wintersemester 2015/16
Sommersemester 2015
- with M. Fürst, M.A. Henning, S. Jäger, D. Rautenbach, Equating k Maximum Degrees in Graphs without Short Cycles, arXiv
- with I. Heinrich, S. Jäger, D. Rautenbach, Large Values of the Clustering Coefficient, Discrete Math 341 (2018) 119-125.
- with D. Rautenbach, Some Comments on the Slater number, Discrete Math., 340 (2017) 1497-1502
- with D. Rautenbach, Some Bounds on the Zero Forcing Number of a Graph, Discrete Appl. Math. (2017)
- with D. Rautenbach, Dynamic Monopolies for Degree Proportional Thresholds in Connected Graphs of Girth at least Five and Trees, Theo. Comp. Sci. 667 (2017) 93-100
- with L. Penso, D. Rautenbach, and U. Souza, Extremal Values and Bounds for the Zero Forcing Number, Discrete Appl. Math. 214 (2016) 196-200
- with M.A. Henning, D. Rautenbach, Smallest Domination Number and Largest Independence Number of Graphs and Forests with given Degree Sequence, J Graph Theory. 2017;00:1–15
- with M.A. Henning, D. Rautenbach, Largest Domination Number and Smallest Independence Number of Forests with given Degree Sequence, Discrete Appl. Math. 206 (2016) 181-187
- with P. Borowiecki, C. Löwenstein, D. Rautenbach, Independence in Uniform Linear Triangle-Free Hypergraphs, Discrete Math. 339 (2016) 1878–1883
- with D. Rautenbach, Feedback vertex sets in cubic multigraphs, Discrete Math. 338 (2015) 2179–2185