Return to the lecture halls, return to campus!
University plans winter semester with as much on-campus teaching as possible

Ulm University

After the semester break, the lecture halls, seminar rooms and learning spaces at Ulm University will come alive again. In her recent video message to students, Vice President Education Professor Olga Pollatos emphasised: 'Return to campus! is our motto for the upcoming winter semester.' The key to being able to offer extensive teaching on campus is a high coronavirus vaccination rate among students and teachers.

The past three largely digital semesters have shown the opportunities inherent in online teaching – but also its limitations, because a university thrives on personal exchange, academic discussions and on interpersonal encounters. Therefore, the university management is planning to offer extended on-campus teaching in the winter semester – taking into account the further developments of the pandemic, of course. 'Practical course components in laboratories or in special workrooms will definitely take place on campus. The same applies to interactive formats such as seminars, tutorials, colloquia, excursions and introductory events for the first-semester students,' explains Vice President Olga Pollatos. Lectures are going to be held both online and on campus. Hygiene concepts are being developed for on-campus events with a very large number of participants. In addition, many rooms will be equipped with new broadcasting and recording technology in order to be able to offer online teaching with added value in the future.

In recent months, the university management has implemented further foundations for a safe return to campus. Measures range from a dedicated coronavirus rapid test centre in the Mensa to corona vaccination offers for all university members. A survey among university students already suggests an above-average vaccination rate in this group.
At the beginning of July, the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) has set the framework for a winter semester with large on-campus components. In her letter to students and university staff, Minister of Science Theresia Bauer also appeals to students and university employees: 'Get vaccinated and thus help to ensure that even if the numbers of infection rise again, study and teaching can continue on campus.'

The Board of Ulm University is already looking forward to a safe winter semester – with extensive on-campus teaching, Mensa visits, university sports and a lively campus. University President Professor Michael Weber advises all students to look for accommodation in Ulm and the surrounding area in good time, either via the Studierendenwerk (student services) or on the open housing market. 'As university president, it is a matter close to my heart to facilitate as much campus life as possible. I very much hope to welcome you in large numbers on the campus of Ulm University this upcoming winter semester,' says Professor Michael Weber.

To the video message of Professor Olga Pollatos, Vice President Education

Text and mediacontact: Annika Bingmann

Video message of Professor Olga Pollatos, Vice President Education, Englisch subtitles available
Students at Ulm University
More student life will be possible at Ulm University in the winter semester (photo taken by Eberhardt/Ulm University in September 2020)