Courses & lectures

Lectures, seminars, tutorials - in addition to the common courses, various other teaching formats are added in the life sciences, depending on the course of study.

Courses & Lectures overview

Please note that many moodle-courses are only activated at the beginning of the semester.


Course overview for teaching profession students Biology

The relevant courses for the teaching profession program Biology are summarized on the prospective program overview.


  • Rainer Pfaff
  • Location: M24/573
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 1
  • Fax: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 2
  • Office hours:
  • Mon. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    Wed. 9 - 11 a.m. & 1 - 3 p.m.
    Fri. 9 - 11 a.m.
  • Please send enquiries by email to sekretariat.biologie(at)

  • Dr. Lena John
  • Location: M24/574
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 22 38 4
  • Office hours by arrangement*

*: Please arrange an appointment via sekretariat.biologie(at)


Please contact sekretariat.biologie(at)



  • Prof. Dr. Christian Riedel
  • Location: M23/2412
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 24 85 3
  • Fax: +49-(0)731-50 22 71 9
  • Office hours by arrangement