After admission there are several other steps you have to take in order to start your studies successfully.  You find all necessary information for enrollment, housing on this website -->

After Admission

To accept your place in the Master Biology programme, please fill out this form right away:

Letter of Acceptance

Pre Master's Course 2024

The Pre Master's Course will start on September 2nd, 2024, with online lectures you can attend from your home country.


PLEASE NOTE, THAT THERE WILL BE NO LAB PART OF THE PMC IN 2024! Please check the website regularly for new information.

There will be a feedback exercise on October 18th, 2024.

Important change to enrolment: The deadline for enrolment also applies to you, international students with the requirement to pass the PMC.

Please enrol online by 7.10.24 and submit all required documents.  (The documents can also be sent to the Registrar's Office by post. Please submit your Bachelor's certificate and any translation as a certified copy from an authorised German authority (e.g. town hall or citizens' office) or a notary in Germany or via the German embassy in your home country). Please request an extension of the deadline for submitting the documents from the Registrar's Office (see link:

Please submit proof that you have passed the PMC preliminary course after you have passed it. 



Preparatory Course for Master programmes – M. Sc. Biology

We are delighted that you are thinking of joining us at Ulm University for your Master’s course. We hope that you decide to join us and that there are degree options that excite you and help you build your dream career!

If you decide to join us at Ulm University and are accepted on the Master’s course, we offer a mandatory Pre Master’s Course (PMC) first. We want to ensure that all students start our programme at the same level and will complete their master's programme successfully. The PMC is designed to strengthen your lab skills and give you the chance to brush up on your bachelor's knowledge.

This course lasts for six weeks and provides intensive tuition in biology (both theoretical and practical) and some tuition in biostatistics to help prepare you for your MSc. You arrive in a cohort with other students, so you can already make new friendships and start building a life in Germany before your Masters begins.



Theoretical part

  • Molecular biology: heredity, basic genetics, DNA, RNA, proteins, translation, transcription
  • Evolutionary biology: natural selection, genetic drift, population genetics, sexual selection, speciation
  • Microbiology/Cell biology: cellular anatomy, mitosis, meiosis, bacteria, viruses
  • Botany: plant kingdom, anatomy, life cycles, reproduction, plant physiology
  • Neurobiology/Physiology: nervous systems, basic animal physiology
  • Ecology: behavioral ecology, biodiversity, ecosystem functioning

Lab part:

  • Experimental design, sample collection
  • DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis
  • Aseptic techniques, bacterial growth
  • Microscopy

The theoretical part will be available in an e-learning format with pre-recorded videos, texts, and feedback exercises for you. 
The lab part will be a flipped-lab with online videos for you to prepare for the lab, before you do some experiments in the lab on your own.

That may sound stressful, but do not worry! You will be taught all this material, you will get intensive tuition, and your tutor will be there to support you throughout.

  • Data wrangling, experimental design
  • Working with R
  • Parametric vs. non-parametric tests, comparing two or more groups, correlation, linear regression...

The biostatistics part will take place simultaneously with the biology courses. The lectures are available in an e-learning format with pre-recorded videos. 

Contacts Life Sciences

Sandra Schott
student assisstant

Address general questions & concerns about international study at international.biology(at)

  • Rainer Pfaff
  • Location:
  • Phone:
  • +49-(0)731-50 23 93 1
  • Fax:
    +49-(0)731-50 23 93 2
Quick Info
  • Start of Pre-Master's course:
    2h September 2024
  • Duration:
    Online Courses- 5 weeks
    Lab Courses - 1 week (NOT IN 2024 - changes will be announced on the website)
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Application: included in your admission for the master programme