Bachelor Courses

Our B.Sc. in Computational Science and Engineering is a cooperative program of the Ulm University and the Ulm University of Applied Sciences. Therefore, lectures take place both at Ulm University and at Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

In the Computational Science and Engineering programmes, the language of instruction is usually German. However, some of the second and third-year courses will be taught in English if desired.

For an overview of the lectures in German please use the German version of this site.

You can also find more courses in English on the site for our master courses.

Regularly Offered Courses in Winter Semester
(October - February)

Module No.

Module Titel
Click for Module Description

Year ECTS Language Location
70374 Mathematics I 1 10 GE UU
71070 Introduction to Computer Science I - Fundamentals 1 6 GE UU
71624 Technical Mechanics I 1 6 GE THU
75247 Modeling and Simulation I 1 6 GE THU
76031 Mathematics III - Differential equations 2 10 GE UU
71618 Practical of Simulation Software 2 6 GE/EN UU
71630 Technical Mechanics III 2 6 GE THU
70378 Basic Electrical Engineering I 2 7 GE UU
75248 Modellierung und Simulation III 2 6 GE THU
70011 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 6 GE UU
70404 Applied Stochastics II 3 4 GE UU
70671 Project Computational Science and Engineering 3 9 GE/EN THU/UU
75015 Computer Graphics 3 5 EN THU
74792 Data Warehousing 3 5 EN THU
75136 Pentesting 3 5 EN THU

Regularly Offered Courses in Summer Semester
(April - August)

Module No.

Module Titel
Click for Module Description

Year ECTS Language Location
70579 Mathematics II 1 10 GE UU
71077 Introduction to Computer Science II - Advanced Concepts 1 6 GE UU
74781 Programmieren 1 2 GE THU
71625 Technical Mechanics II 1 6 GE THU
75270 Modeling and Simulation II 1 6 GE THU
76064 Software principles of high performance computing 1 6 GE UU
70377 Applied Stochastics I 2 4 GE UU
70012 Numerical Analysis 2 6 GE UU
71627 Fluid Mechanics 2 5 GE THU
71626 Thermodynamics I 2 5 GE THU
71631 Basic Electrical Engineering II 2 4 GE THU
75271 Modeling and Simulation IV 2 6 GE THU
74792 Data Warehousing 3 5 EN THU
75136 Pentesting 3 5 EN THU

Seminars on changing topics

Seminars from a wide range of topics are offered each semester. The examination (ungraded) is based on the preparation and presentation of a scientific topic and is credited with 3 ECTS. The language of the presentation can be English or German.

The concrete titles and topics of the seminars are usually not fixed until shortly before the beginning of the semester. But we regularly offer seminars on the following main topics (you can use these generic titles when preparing your Learning Agreement):

Main topics for Bachelor Seminars

Seminar Title ECTS Language Location
Bachelorseminar Computational Science and Engineering 3 GE/EN THU*
Seminar Biomechanics 3 GE/EN UU
Seminar Numerics 3 GE/EN UU
Seminar Algebra and Number Theory 3 GE/EN UU
Seminar Analysis 3 GE/EN UU
Seminar Stochastic Geometry und its Applications 3 GE/EN UU
Seminar Computer Science 3 GE/EN


* The Bachelorseminar Computational Science and Engineering is a course offered by Ulm University of Applied Sciences where also seminars with topics on applied mathematics, computer science and mechanical engineering.

Contacts Computational Science and Engineering

Beate Mayer
Academic Advisor for study program Computational Science and Engineering

Helmholtzstraße 20 , Room 1.24

E-Mail: international.cse(at)

Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban
Erasmus+ Coordinator

Helmholtzstraße 20 , Room 1.12
E-Mail: karsten.urban(at)


EN = Teaching Language is English
GE = Teaching Language is German

<link en io mob-in planning language-issues internal-link-new-window internen link in neuem>Language Requirements & Language Courses


THU = Ulm University of Applied Sciences

UU = Ulm University