Abgeschlossene Qualifizierungsarbeiten
- Anna-Lena Werthmann, 2010
"Projektionsrekonstruktionsmethoden für die fluoroskopische MRT unter Verwendung der „Goldenen Schnitt" Geometrie"
- Sandra Vogel, 2011
"Modellierung und Bildsimulation aberrationskorrigierten Hochauflösung TEM-Abbildungen von Metall-Nanopartikeln in Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen"
- Jennifer Gosner, 2012
"Präparation, Untersuchung und Simulation dünner Schichten Molybdänsulfid"
- Tibor Lehnert, 2012
"Herstellung und Charakterisierung von graphitischem Kohlenstoffnitrid"
- Michael Mohn, 2012
"Numerical simulations for band-gap measurements in the low-voltage electron microscope"
- Manuel Mundszinger, 2013
"Determination of the representative elementary volume for FIB-investigations of Silicon solar cells"
- Robert Leiter, 2013
"Investigation of the cleanness of graphene by TEM using Pt deposition and temperature treatment"
- Pia Knyrim, 2014
"Thermodynamics of electron beam driven bond-rotations in graphene"
- Alexander Storm, 2014
"Simulation und Optimierung des Phasenkontrasts im Rastertransmissionselektronenmikroskop"
- Janis Köster, 2015
"Influence of cooling on electron beam damage in atomic scales MoS2"
- Tobias Wäldle, 2015
Methodenvergleich zur Kristallorientierungsbestimmung in Lithium-Batterie Materialien
- Benjamin Gapp, 2015
Sample preparation and imaging of charge density waves in few layers of 1T-TaS2 and 2T-TaSe
- Timmo Weider, 2016
Imaging effect of radiation damage of MoS2-graphene - heterostructures at 30kV
- Luca Antonio Zangari, 2017
Advanced camera characterisation for low energy electrons
- Moritz Quincke, 2018
Delocalization of excitations in electron energy loss spectroscopy
- Fabian Rasper, 2018
Numerical correction of symmetric aberrations with weak phase approximation
- Dominik Zeck, 2018
Validity of conventional imaging model for low-voltage HRTEM
- Stefan Sailer, 2018
Investigation of the crystallinity of differently synthesized lithium battery materails with FIB/SEM
- Fabian Straubmüller, 2018
Formation of nickel carbide observed by in-situ aberration corrected HRTEM
- Markus Fischer, 2018
Advanced sample preparation of spherical graphite particles for lithium batteries
- Christopher Leist, 2018
Analysis of dynamics of Re-dimers from aberration corrected TEM images
- Mathias Federolf, 2018
Automated defect size determination in two-dimensional materials
- Maximilian Hirsch, 2018
Momentum resolved electron energy spectroscopy of iron phosphorous trisulfide
- Tim Weiss, 2019
Analysis of carbon nanotube based helical molecular motor
- Tobias Schöner, 2019
Estimation of the real thickness of thin-few laye graphite and MoS2 films from 3D electron diffraction data
- Alexander Holas, 2019
Low loss EELS simulation of van der Waals layered structures for band gap determination
- David Mücke, 2019
Quantitative analysis of Re3-Molecules inside CNTs
- Corinna Konrad, 2019
CBED of bi-layer 2D materials
- Julian Schulz, 2019
Quantitative defect analysis of molybdenum disulfide monolayers
- Johannes Eckardt, 2020
Automated defect size determination in two-dimensional materials
- Philipp Eltgen, 2021
Thickness-dependent theoretical and experimental study of the Weber contrast of few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides
- Johannes Span, 2024
Evaluation of phases in Pt nanoclusters using neural networks
- Michael Kinyanjui, 2006
"Electron Microscopy and X-ray diffraction study of LiFePO4 as cathode materials for Li ion Batteries"
- Zhongbo Lee, 2008
"Improvement of HRTEM Images with Focal-series Reconstruction and Wavelet Technique"
- Sabba Dharani (extern), 2009
"Optimization of nanobeam diffraction techniques in the TEM for improved local strain analysis on advanced CMOS devices"
- Gerardo Algara-Siller, 2009
"Graphene – Preparation methods and Characterizations"
- Thomas Kister, 2013
"Electron irradiation effects on CdSe/CdZnS quantum dots in the SEM and TEM"
- Mona Sedighi, 2013
"Fabrication and TEM imaging of Two-Dimensional Heterostructures"
- Prasanth Balasubramanian, 2013
"3D Modelling of Energy Materials"
- Pouya Moghimian (extern), 2013
"Phage-controllged bio/inorganic hybrid nanostructures - An electron microscopy study"
- Nilesh Vats, 2014
"Fabrication and atomic scale characterization of supersaturated graphene"
- Sandra Vogel, 2014
"Quantitative Evaluation des HRTEM Kontrastes zweidimensionaler Materialien"
- Michael Mohn, 2014
"Collective electronic excitations in multilayer systems"
- Tibor Lehnert, 2014
"Imaging radiation sensitve materials in a graphene heterostructure"
- Marc Oldenburger (extern), 2014
"Charakterisierung des Lithium-Plating-Verhaltens von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen anhand der Zellendickenmessung"
- Neelisetty Krishna Kanth (extern), 2015
Grain growth in nanocrystalline palladium by in-situ heating in TEM using STEM-ACOM
- Tobias Klingl, 2015
"Probing bonding and valency in metal-oxides with electron energy-loss spectroscopy supported by theoretical calculations"
- Manuel Hartmann, 2015
"Thickness Determination by Different Methods of Analytical TEM"
- Alexander Mattes (extern), 2016
"Densitiy increase measurement for active carbon filter stages"
- Manuel Mundszinger, 2016
"FIB/SEM Investigations of Lithium Battery Materials"
- Baokun Liang, 2016
"Comparision of cleaning methods for 2D materials"
- Xiaodan Chen, 2016
"TEM Investigations of Semipoloar InGaN/GaN heterostructures: HRTEM and WBDF imaging"
- Anna Skenteridou, 2016
"Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Erstellung von Querschnittsproben für die Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie"
- Pia Börner, 2016
"Exploring charge density waves in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers and hybrid heterostructures"
- Robert Leiter, 2016
"The structure of nanodiamonds revealed by TEM"
- Rezwana Binte Ahmed, 2016
ω-x Mapping of Electron Energy Loss Spectra
in GaN-InGaN heterostructure on Al2O3 substrate
- Bruno Amann (extern), 2017
Hochauflösende physiklische Grenzflächenuntersuchung an GaN HEMT Wafern nach verschiedenen Plasmaoperationen
- Christian Walk (extern), 2017
Low frequency PECVD of doped passivation layers
- Julian Renner, 2017
Determination of imaging conditions for high resolution transmission electron microscopy of mineralized tobacco mosaic viruses
- Janis Köster, 2017
Electron beam induced radiation damage in 2D MoTe2
- Luis Arguelles, 2018
Error investigation of 3D reconstructed graphite particles using FIB tomography
- David Fürst, 2019
Determination of layer distances in twisted 2D two-layer monolayer systems by means of momentum-resolved EELS
- Berkin Nergis, 2020
3D Electron diffraction on 2D materials to discover layer number and corrugation behaviour
- Stefan Sailer, 2020
Advanced sample preparation of graphite for lithium ion batteries and evaluation of the FIB/SEM data using machine learning
- Christopher Leist, 2020
Identification of few-atom-molecules by image recognition algorithm
- Fatih Ilgaz, 2020
Atomic Scane Determination of Octahedral Distortions at LaNiO3-based Superlattice Interfaces
- Mathias Federolf, 2021
Analysis of the periodicity of 2 D twisted vertical heterostructures: Modelling and TEM experiment
- David Mücke, 2022
Towards atomic resolution HRTEM imaging of radiation sensitive low-dimensional organic crystals
- Julian Schulz, 2022
Atomic-resolution TEM study of 2D materials using neural networks
- Fabian Rasper, 2023
Systematic study of voltage-dependent damage cross sections in two-dimensional materials determined by high-resolution TEM
- Raymond Hoheisel, (extern) 2006
"Evaluierung von Solarzellen für den Mars" - Christian Zaubitzer, 2006
"Erarbeitung einer Präparationsmethode für optimale Hochauflösungsabbildung am Sub-Angström Transmissionselektronenmikroskop" - Oliver Klein, 2007
"Bestimmung der Hochspannung von Transmissionselektronenmikroskopen mittels konvergenter Elektronenbeugung" - Vanessa Binder, 2008
"Charakterisierung der Grenzfläche von Goldnanopartikeln auf Metalloxiden" - Philipp Wachsmuth, 2009
"Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy and its Application" - Simon Kurasch, 2009
"Graphene: Imaging and Chemistry" - Anne Götz, 2010
"Bestimmung optimaler Untersuchungsbedingungen für Elektronentomographie an Nanokohlenstoffobjekten" - Caroline Clement (extern), 2011
"Plasmavorbehandlung eines PECVD-Emitters vor Anti-Reflexbeschichtung" - Markus Ströbele (extern), 2012
"Einfluss optischer Materialeigenschaften auf die Betriebstemperatur von Photovoltaikmodulen" - Johannes Deutsch (extern), 2012
"Entwicklung der Werkstoffperformance im Feld der Strahlungshärtung von Kunststoffen" - Werner Schweigert, 2013
"Quantitative determination of energy-dependent electron beam damage on calcite" - Sebastian Sturn, 2016
"Observation of Charge and Conductivity Phenomena on Battery Materials in a Scanning Electron Microscope"