Meet The Experts!

Get to know the Core Facilities of the Medical Faculty and join the 1st "Core Facility Day" on Wednesday, 17th of July 2024 in the multimedia room N27.

Here you will have the opportunity to find out more about the services offered by our Core Facilities. After introductory presentations some Core Facilities will offer guided tours through their facilities! Come and discuss your research projects with our technology experts!

- Tours and presentation will be in English -

When? What? Where?
1:00pm Presentations:
Introduction to the Core Facilities & MoMAN
Multimediaroom, N27

Sign in for the CF guided tours, Group formation

Multimediaroom, N27

2:15pm - 3:15pm First round of CF Lab Tours CF Labs on campus
3:30pm - 4:30pm Second round of CF Lab Tours CF Labs on campus

The event ends with the second round of CF Lab Tours.

Save your Spot! REGISTRATION

Click here to register for a guided tour in your favourite Core Facility!

Teresa Mangold
Academy Coordinator MoMAN

Available CF Lab Tours

Dr. Jessica Lindenmayer

max. 8 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

Dr. Christoph Wiegreffe,
Luisa Schmid

max. 10 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

Dr. Christian Bökel

max. 5 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

Prof. Ambros Beer,
Prof. Meinrad Beer

max. 5 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

Dr. Karlheinz Holzmann

max. 6 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

Dr. Alireza Abaei,
Prof. Volker Rasche

max 8 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

Dr. Sarah Warth

max. 6 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

PD Dr. Ludger Ständker,
Nico Preising

max. 6 persons/slot
about the Core Facility

The Core Facilities Immune Monitoring also offers guided lab tours. However, due to the location on the Michelsberg, it is not included in the registration form for organisational reasons.
If you are interested in a tour please contact Teresa Mangold.




Make sure to have a spot for a guided tour in your favourite Core Facility.

Please note: We will try to allow every interested person to take part in at least one tour before allocating a second place. If there are more interested parties than places, the registration time will decide. Registration for available places is also possible on site.

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