With a child on campus


Please note the circular No 11/2023 "If a child is exceptionally brought to the place of work or study".

Campusmap - orientation for families

Parents-child room
more info

Loungers for recovery breaks during pregnancy
Loungers can be borrowed from the janitors
Loungers in first-aid rooms (Uni Ost: N 25, room 2109, Uni West: room 43.1.219 and room 47.0.210, library: room 37.U.106, Helmholtzstraße 18: room U.44)

High chairs
Mensa (canteen)
Cafeteria Süd (Southside), Nord, Helmholtzstraße 16 (Central University Administration)

The high chair in the cafeteria at Helmholtzstraße 16 can also be borrowed temporarily to use in the office or in a staff kitchen. 

Please make sure that you do not leave your child unsupervised in a high chair. 

Mensa (on loan to use inside the Mensa) – at the pay point
Toy boxes (on loan to use inside the University) can be collected from the janitors
Outdoor games (on loan for use on the campus grounds) available at the University Sports Office in O25 Level 1 (directly under the Cafeteria Southside next to the UNIfit)

Family tables
Mensa: the Studierendenwerk (student services) is happy to reserve a family table for you.

Heating up your brought child food
Cafeterias Uni Süd, Nord, West
and Helmholtzstraße 16

Breastfeeding and nappy-changing facilities
Below the Mensa (nappy-changing facility, key can be obtained in the Mensa)
N25, level 2, 2109 (breastfeeding and nappy-changing facility in the first-aid room opposite the ladies' room, you can obtain a key from the janitors in the close-by office M25, room 257, phone 50-22080)

N24, level 1 (nappy-changing facility)
Central University Library, basement
Helmholtzstraße 16, basement (nappy-changing facility in the ladies' room)
Helmholtzstraße 18, basement (breastfeeding and nappy-changing facility in the first-aid room)

Uni West (breastfeeding and nappy-changing facility in the first-aid rooms in buildings 43 and 47); keys can be obtained from the janitors, room 43.1.222, phone 50-26390)

Children's table and chairs
The Family Service has a children's table and 2 chairs in their office at Helmholtzstraße 16. Members of the University can borrow this furniture to use inside the buildings at Helmholtzstraße 16, 18, 20 and 22. If you wish to borrow this furniture, please contact our janitor Mr Schaible, phone 50-25016.

Parents-child parking spaces in the multi-storey car park Helmholtzstraße

parental duty of supervision

Children should not be left unattended on the whole campus. The parents are responsible for their children.

Family Service

Maria Stöckle

Postal address:
Universität Ulm
Helmholtzstraße 16
89081 Ulm, Germany

Room number: E.19a
+49 731 50-25012
Fax: +49 731 50-25013
Mon-Wed | a.m.