Parent-child rooms

Parent-child study room N23 / 2703
From time to time, student parents are in the situation where they have to take their children to campus at short notice because, for example, there is a childcare problem. To bridge this emergency situation, there has been a parent-child study room on campus since November 2014.
The parent-child study room N23/2703 is located in study area N23 and is available 7 days a week.
The equipment includes:
- a nursing chair
- two wall play elements
- a playpen for sleeping and playing
- a children's table with two chairs
- a cupboard with nursing pillow, drawing materials and toys
- two work tables for parents and schoolchildren
For more information, suggestions or donations of well-preserved cardboard picture books, please send an email to:
- Family Service or /StuVe
Group study room with children's corner in the University library
For students with children, there is a play corner in a group study room of the University library which was opened at the end of March 2015.
Further offer: Toy boxes on campus
Toy boxes (on loan for use inside the University) available from the caretakers.
Outdoor games from the Active Box on Wheels "Aktive Kiste auf Rädern" (on loan for use on the outside campus grounds) at the University Sports Office in O25 Level 1 (directly under the Cafeteria South "Southside" next to UNIfit)“.
Taking a child to work is certainly the exception. But in the event of a childcare emergency - because a carer unexpectedly cancels at short notice or you have to be at work "out of turn" - your child may need to be kept busy at work for a few hours or even the whole day. While the child is still breastfed, there are situations when you may want to bring the child to work with you.
Spaces where parents can work and care for their child at the same time can be helpful in bridging these challenging situations.
- It is not permitted to look after children with contagious diseases or a raised temperature in University rooms.
- There must be no conflicting work-related matters. Ask your supervisor in advance for his/her permission to bring the child to work by way of exception and, if necessary, to bring the KidsBox to your office or to work in the parent-child room if available.
Parent-child room N25/2401 (ProTrainU)
The room is located on the ground floor near the "Camppuccino" coffee cube.
The room N25/ 2401 of ProTrainU is primarily used for meetings, consultations and possibly also information and further education events. Until further notice, ProTRainU will make free capacities available to University employees for parent-child use on an hourly basis.
Contact for parent-child room booking N25/2401:
Annette Wegerhoff, Nachwuchsakademie ProTrainU, O25 room 424, phone 0731 50 36295
Email: annette.wegerhoff(at)
Please e-mail booking requests to dagmar.eiermann(at)
With the booking request please indicate:
1. Family name, first name, phone no., Uni email address
2. Reason for your booking request (why you want to use this room with your child)
3. Desired period of use
4. Your institute and your supervisor agreeing to its use
The equipment includes:
- 3 toy boxes, 1 blanket, 1 cushion and 1 play mat
- a working table for parents and an oval meeting table incl. chairs
- a telephone, phone no. 50-36297 (internal calls)
- a printer with printer cable
The internet can be accessed via HOCHSCHUL-EDUROAM-WLAN.
Since not all end devices support eduroam and access is limited to members of Ulm University and participants in the eduroam network, there is also the free and unencrypted WLAN welcome.
WLAN (kiz Information)
KidsBox - mobile children's room for your office
The Kidsbox ist a wheeled half-height wardrobe. It works as a mobile children's room.
Where does the KidsBox come in?
The day care centre is unexpectedly closed, the childminder is sick, grandma and grandpa are away. Many parents know this situation. Then the question arises: Who will look after the child while you have urgent job-related tasks to do? One solution may be to take the child to work as an exception. The KidsBox offers practical support on site. It is wheeled into the workplace and turns it into a 'parent-child room' in no time at all thus allowing a better work-life balance.
How does the KidsBox work?
The KidsBox is equipped for babies and children up to primary school age. While your child is temporarily kept busy and cared for in an age-appropriate way, you can take care of important work tasks.
The KidsBox contains:
- a travel cot which is also suitable as a playpen
- a folding mattress and mat for crawling and playing on the floor
- a clip-on seat to dock onto your own desk
- a stool and table for slightly older children
- various toys and drawing materials
- a changing mat
- disinfection and first aid equipment
- hygiene articles
- books and much more that is useful and appropriate for smaller children.
The KidsBox is designed to fold open for a protected area for breastfeeding and nappy changing.
Who can use the KidsBox?
University employees in the core area of the University East with young children who have an office job while the children are at the University can use the KidsBox. The use of the KidsBox in a laboratory is not permitted.
When can the KidsBox be used?
If regular childcare is unexpectedly cancelled and urgent tasks have to be completed, the child can be temporarily brought to the office workplace and the KidsBox can be used after prior consultation with the respective supervisor.
Contact for the KidsBox: Family Service - Maria Stöckle, phone 50-25012, maria.stoeckle(at)
Further offer: Boxes with toys on campus
Toy boxes (on loan for use inside the University) available from the caretakers.
Outdoor games from the Active Box on Wheels "Aktive Kiste auf Rädern" (on loan for use on the outside campus grounds) at the University Sports Office in O25 Level 1 (directly under the Cafeteria South "Southside" next to UNIfit)“.
Where possible, a parent-child room will be included in larger new University buildings that are suitable for this purpose.

The picture shows a KidsBox.