Publications 2000

A. Fisssel, U. Kaiser, B. Schröter, J. Kräußlich and W. Richter
"MBE-growth of heteropolytypic low-dimensional structures of SiC"
Thin Solid Films 380 (2000) 89-91

A. Fissel, B. Schröter, Ute Kaiser, W. Richter
"Advances in the molecular-beam epitaxial growth of artificially layered heteropolytypic structures of SiC"
Applied Physics Letters 77 (2000) pp. 2418-2420.

A. Fissel, U. Kaiser, B. Schröter, J. Kräußlich, H. Hobert and W. Richter
"Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Heteopolytypic and Low-Dimensional Structures of SiC"
Materials Science Forums Vols. 338-342 (2000) pp. 205-208.

J. Jinschek, U. Kaiser and W. Richter
"Void Shapes in the Si(111) Substrate at the Heteroepitaxial Thin Film / Si Interface"
Materials Science Forums Vols. 338-342 (2000) pp. 521-524.

U. Kaiser, A. Chuvilin and W. Richter
"Illusion of New Polytypes"
Materials Science Forums Vols. 338-342 (2000) pp. 533-536.

V. Lebedev, J. Jinschek, U. Kaiser, B. Schröter, and W. Richter
"Epitaxial relationship in the AlN/Si(001) heterosystem"
Applied Physics Letters 76 (2000) 2029-2031.

R. Goldhahn, S. Shokhovets, J. Scheiner, G. Gobsch, T.S. Cheng, C.T. Foxon, U. Kaiser, G.D. Kipshidze, W. Richter
"Determination of Group III Nitride Film Properties by Reflectance and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies"
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 177 (2000) 107.