Early career development in the SFB 1279

PhD Program
International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine Ulm
Early career support for young scientists and funding programms

With this individual grants programme (Bausteinprogramm), the Medical Facultyawards start-up funding in a competitive procedure for 10-15 research projects per year (funding: max. 40,000€/year) over a maximum of 3 years.
This programme enables scientific career development of young female scientists with a PhD or MD background.
Wine and cheese event, on the 1st Wednesday of every month, for the young scientists in the SFB.
The goal of this programme for young scientists is to help them start their own research projects that enable them to achieve the previous work and publications that are usually required to successfully attract third-party funding.
offers funding opportunities which include support for travel funding (conferences and research visits), seminars and workshops.
The support is available to female doctoral and postdoctoral candidates at Ulm University, and in individual cases with relevant reasons also to bachelor's and master's students.
Ulm University seeks to attract as many female junior researchers as possible for an academic career. The bridging programme supports their transition to the next qualification level and allows faculties and institutes to offer attractive conditions in the competition for qualified female graduates.
Das MuT-Mentoring und Training ist ein Programm zur berufsbegleitenden Unterstützung und Förderung von hochqualifizierten Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen in Baden-Württemberg.
Das "Margarete von Wrangell-Programm" hat das Ziel, besonders qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen an den Universitäten und Hochschulen des Landes Baden-Württemberg zu ermutigen und materiell in die Lage zu versetzen, sich für die Berufung auf eine Professur zu qualifizieren.
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -künstlerinnen mit Kind(ern) werden bei der Qualifizierung für eine Professur finanziell unterstützt.