Bridging Programme for the Career Entry of Female Junior Researchers
Ulm University seeks to attract as many female junior researchers as possible for an academic career. The bridging programme supports their transition to the next qualification level and allows faculties and institutes to offer attractive conditions in the competition for qualified female graduates.
The funding can be used to bridge the gap
- between graduation from a master's degree programme and starting a doctoral project or
- between the doctoral degree and the commencement of a medium- or longer-term-funded post-doc phase.
The bridging funding is provided in the form of a fixed-term employment contract in pay grade 13 of the TV-L (collective agreement of the federal states) at 50 percent of a full-time equivalent for those who are waiting to start a doctorate and at 65 percent of a full-time equivalent for those who are waiting to start the post-doc phase.
Eligible are positions for female junior researchers who meet all of the following criteria:
- a master's degree certificate, or having applied for the commencement of the doctoral examination procedure,
- a submitted third-party funds or scholarship application that includes the position of the applicant (the position must be in her name). The third-party funds application should demonstrate the applicant's prospects for an academic career in Ulm following the completion of the bridging programme, either in the form of a doctorate or a minimum two-year post-doc position. It must elaborate how the position and the research project(s) are funded, as well as the professional integration at the University (department, lab, working group etc.). The female junior researcher must have either contributed to the third-party funds application or written it herself.
- Access to a work station and the equipment of an institute or a work group at Ulm University must be ensured.
The Office for Gender Equality is happy to help you with your application!
Please submit your completed application in electronic form to the Office for Gender Equality by the deadline set above.
The Bridging Programme is not available to members of the Medical Faculty. Female researchers can apply for similar positions within the framework of the faculty’s own Hertha-Nathorff-Programme.
Martina Riegg

Project Specialist
Mon - Fri | by arrangement