Appointment Procedures
As a member of the Appointment Commission, the Gender Equality Officer participates in meetings in accordance with § 4 (3) p. 5 of the LHG (Baden-Württemberg Federal State Higher Education Act). She contributes to enforcing equal opportunities for women and men in accordance with the constitutional law (§ 4 (3) LHG) and ensures fair appointment procedures, where she also has voting rights.
With 30 to 35 appointment procedures taking place simultaneously, the Gender Equality Officer can not be present at every single meeting. In that case her deputies step in.
The members of the Appointment Committee are in accordance with § 48 (3) of the LHG and § 4 (3) sentence 6 of the LHG:
- chair: member of the University Board or the Faculty Board,
- Professors with a majority of votes
- at least one expert from outside the university,
- minimum of two female experts and two male experts,
- student representative(s),
- Gender Equality Officer or her deputy.
For the appointment of a junior professorship, a selection committee is formed in accordance with § 51 (6) and § 4 (3) sentence 6 of the LHG. In all other cases, § 48 (3) of the LHG applies accordingly.
Prof. Dr. Aurelia Peraud

Gender Equality Officer