Research Group Mizaikoff
Dr. Brian MacCraith
National Centre of Sensor Research
Dublin City University, Ireland
Topic: Optical sensor technology
Dr. Jerome Faist
Mesoscopic Physics Group
University Neuchatel, Switzerland
Topic: Quantum cascade lasers and thin film mid-infrared waveguides
Dr. Douglas Eaton
Center of Molecular and Cell Signaling
Emory University, U.S.
Topic: Imaging nanobiosensors for monitoring ATP release at epithelial cells (cystic fibrosis)
Dr. Reinhard Niessner
Institute of Hydrochemistry
Technical University Munich, Germany
Topic: Sensors for water quality monitoring and molecularly imprinted polymers for endocrine disruptors
Dr. Estelle Gauda
Department of Pediatrics
Johns Hopkins University, U.S.
Topic: Microbiosensors for ATP release studies at carotid body preparations under oxygen tension
Dr. Rudolf Krska
Center for Analytical Chemistry, IFA Tulln, Austria
Topic: Molecularly imprinted polymers for mycotoxin analysis
Dr. Abraham Katzir
Applied Physics Group
Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Topic: Mid-infrared chemical sensors based on silver halide waveguides
Dr. Peter Haring
Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
University Siegen, Germany
Topic : THz sensing platforms and nearfield imaging for biomolecule (e.g. DNA) detection
Dr. Armin Lamprecht
Frauenhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques, Germany
Topic: Mid-infrared sensor systems
Dr. Wolfgang Waldhauser
Leoben Laser Center, Joanneum Research, Austria
Topic: Diamondlike (DLC) coatings on mid-infrared waveguides
Dr. Gunther Wittstock
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Oldenburg, Germany
Topic: Simulation of bifunctional atomic force scanning electrochemical microscopy (AFM-SECM) experiments
Dr. Nan Jokerst
Department of Electrical Engineering
Duke University, U.S.
Topic: Microfabricated opical chemical CMOS sensors
Dr. Richard Palmer
Department of Chemistry
Duke University, U.S.
Topic: Mid-infrared catheter spectroscopy for in-vivo atherosclerotic plaque analysis
Dr. Michael Jakusch
Environmental Research
Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf, Austria
Topic: Molecular dynamics simulations of molecularly imprinted polymers
Dr. Wolfgang Schuhmann
Institute of Analytical Chemistry
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Topic: Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM)
Dr. Roger Narayan
Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, U.S.
Topic: Doped diamondlike (DLC) coatings for mid-infrared spectroelectrochemistry
Dr. Hideko Yamanaka
Instituto de Qu’mica de Araraquara
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil
Topic: Electrochemical DNA microbiosensors for hepatitis C detection
Dr. Guenter Gauglitz
Institute for Physical Chemistry
University of Tuebingen, Germany
Topic: Molecularly imprinted polymers for optical sensor technology
Dr. Art Janata and Dr. Mira Josowicz, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Topic: Electrochemical DNA microbiosensors for hepatitis C detection
Dr. Thomas DiChristina, School of Biology
Topic: Development of atomic force scanning electrochemical microscopy (AFM-SECM) for studying the biogeochemistry of anaerobic bacteria
Dr. Peter Hesketh, School of Mechanical Engineering
Topic: Batch fabrication of bifunctional atomic force scanning electrochemical microscopy (AFM-SECM) probes
Dr. Facundo Fernandez, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Topic: Online coupling of molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction (MISPE) with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS)
Dr. Dennis Hess, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Topic: Fluorocarbon polymers for chemical sensing in harsh environments
Dr. Ching-Hua Huang, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Topic: Molecularly imprinted polymers for endocrine disruptors and NDMA formation from water soluble polymers
Dr. Mustafa Aral, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Topic: NDMA formation from water soluble polymers
Dr. Oliver Brand, School of Electrical Engineering
Topic: CMOS based chemical sensors
Dr. Andrei Fedorov, School of Mechanical Engineering
Topic: Simulation of bifunctional atomic force scanning electrochemical microscopy (AFM-SECM) experiments
Dr. Martial Taillefert, School of earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Topic: Amalgam microelectrodes