Research Cooperations
The physics institutes work together with other divisions and universities within several cooperations and networks. The borders between different research fields vanish more and more and scientific work is cross-fertilised by collaboration.
Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST)
This center connects the different activities on the field of quantum physics. Participants are the Universities of Stuttgart and Ulm and the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart.

(finished 2017)
"Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter"
Stuttgart, Ulm, Tübingen
Competence Network "Functional Nanostructures"
Baden-Württemberg Foundation
The goal of the Competence Network is to understand production, properties and functionalities of nanostructures and to build a base for future applications and a systematic further development.
SFB 569
(finished 2012)
"Hierarchic Structure Formation and Function of Organic-Inorganic Nanosystems"
University of Ulm, departments of physics and chemistry