Lehrangebot des Fachbereichs Physik SS 2024
Die Lehrveranstaltungen des Sommersemsters beginnen ab dem 15.04.2024.

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Lehrangebot des Fachbereichs Physik
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Wahlveranstaltungen und Seminare SS 2024
Nachfolgend sind die Wahlveranstaltungen und Hauptseminare aufgelistet. Sie dienen der Spezialisierung, Vertiefung und Verbreiterung Ihrer Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten. In der Regel sind spezifische Vorkenntnisse erforderlich, um diese Lehrveranstaltungen erfolgreich und gewinnbringend zu hören.
Biophysics and Soft Matter Physics
PHYS5118.0 | Gene Expression / Genexpression |
Lecturer: | Prof. Jens Michaelis |
Course type: | Lecture (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | Summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module: | 74004 Gene Expression / Genexpression 72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression / Biophysik: Genexpression |
Credits: | 3 CP (74004) 6 CP (72233) |
Examination: | Written For 74004: 14004 Gene Expression For 72233: 13181 Biophysics: Gene Expression |
Precourse: | Only for 72233: 13182 Biophysics: Gene Expression (Vorleistung) |
| For module "72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression" two parts are required: Part I: PHYS5118.0 Gene Expression Part II: PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab II |
PHYS5138.0 | Cellular Biophysics / Zelluläre Biophysik |
Lecturer: | Prof. Kay Gottschalk |
Course type: | Lecture (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module | 74005 Cellular Biophysics / Zelluläre Biophysik 73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics / Biophysik: Zelluläre Biophysik |
Credits: | 3 CP (74005) |
Examination: | Written For 74005: 14005 Cellular Biophysics For 73809: 13811 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics |
Precourse: | Only for 73809: Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics (Vorleistung) |
| For module "73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics" two parts are required. |
PHYS5148.0 | Biophysics Lab / Biophysikpraktikum |
Lecturer: | Prof. Jens Michaelis |
Course type: | Lab (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | Each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module | 72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression / Biophysik: Genexpression 73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics / Biophysik: Zelluläre Biophysik 72234 Biophysics: Molecular Motors / Biophysik: Molekulare Motoren |
Credits: | 6 |
Examination: | Lab reports |
Precourse: | no |
| For module "73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics" two parts are required: Part I: PHYS5138.0 Cellular Biophysics Part II: PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab II For module "72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression" two parts are required: |
PHYS5227.0 | Biophotonics / Biophotonik |
Lecturer: | Prof. Alwin Kienle |
Course type: | Lecture (3 hours/week), exercise (1 hour/week), lab (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | Each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module | 71502 Biophotonics / Biophotonik |
Credits: | 6 CP |
Exam form: | oral, 12102 Biophotonik |
Precourse: | yes, 12112 Biophotonik (Vorleistung) |
Announcement |
Condensed Matter Physics and Nanosciences
PHYS5278.2 | Condensed Matter Theory A: Quantum Mechanics on Macroscopic Scales |
Lecturer: | Dr. Björn Kubala |
Course type: | lecture with exercise (5 hours/week) |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module | 76067 Condensed Matter Theory A: Quantum Mechanics on Macroscopic Scales |
Credits: | 6 CP |
Examination: | written or oral, more information in the module description, |
Precourse: | yes, 16567 Condensed Matter Theory A: Quantum Mechanics on Macroscopic Scales |
Remark: |
PHYS5407.0 | Econophysics: Fundamentals / Ökonophysik: Grundlagen |
Lecturer: | PD Dr. Jürgen Stockburger |
Course type: | lecture with exercises (5 hours/week) |
Cycle: | winter semester 25/26, summer semester 2027 |
Language: | English |
Module | 71447 Econophysics: Fundamentals/ Ökonophysik: Grundlagen |
Credits: | 6 CP |
Examination: | written, 11990 Ökonophysik: Grundlagen |
Precourse: | yes, 11991 Ökonophysik: Grundlagen (Vorleistung) |
Remark: |
PHYS6647.0 | Kontrolltheorie und thermodynamische Konzepte für makroökonomische Systeme |
Lecturer: | Prof. Michael Schulz |
Course type: | Block course |
Cycle: | each summer semester |
Language: | Deutsch |
Module | 73847 Physik Komplexer Systeme 3 CP 71250 Spezielle Themen zu komplexen Systemen (2 CP) |
Credits: | Ungraded course: 2 CP With graded exam: 3 CP |
Examination: | oral, 12481 Physik Komplexer Systeme |
Precourse: | no |
Remark: | tba |
Plasma Physics
PHYS5508.0 | Plasma Physics: Applications / Plasmaphysik: Anwendungen |
Lecturer: | Dr. Tim Happel |
Cycle: | each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module: | 71064 Plasma Physics: Applications / Plasmaphysik: Anwendungen |
Credits: | 6 |
Exam form: | oral |
Precourse: | yes |
Remark: |
PHYS5518.0 | Plasma Physics Labs / Plasmaphysikpraktikum |
Lecturer: | Dr. Tim Happel |
Cycle: | each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module: | 74086 Plasma Physics Lab / Plasmaphysikpraktikum |
Credits: | 2 |
Exam form: | Lab reports |
Precourse: | no |
Remark: |
Quantum Information and Quantum Technologies
PHYS5618.0 | Experimental Quantum Optics |
Lecturer: | Prof. Alexander Kubanek |
Course type: | lecture (4 hours/week), seminar (1 hours/week) |
Cycle: | each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module | 72190 Experimental Quantum Optics |
Credits: | 6 CP |
Examination: | written or oral, 13078 Experimentelle Quantenoptik |
Exam prerequisite: | yes, 13079 Experimentelle Quantenoptik (Vorleistung) |
Remark: | announcement |
PHYS5617.0 | Theoretical Quantum Optics / Theoretische Quantenoptik |
Lecturer: | Dr. Jaemin Lim, Prof. Martin Plenio |
Course type: | lecture with exercise (5 hours/week) |
Cycle: | each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module | 71420 Theoretical Quantum Optics |
Credits: | 6 CP |
Examination: | oral |
Exam prerequisite: | yes |
Remark: | announcement |
PHYS5257.0 | Ultracold Quantum Gases / Ultrakalte Quantengase |
Lecturer: | Prof. Johannes Hecker Denschlag |
Course type: | Lecture with exercise (5 hours/week) |
Cycle: | each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module | 71504 Ultracold Quantum Gases / Ultrakalte Quantengase |
Credits: | 6 CP |
Examination: | oral |
Exam prerequisite: | yes |
Remark: | announcement |
PHYS6037.0 | Introduction to Quantum Electronics / Einführung in die Quantenelektronik |
Lecturer: | Dr. Ressa Said |
Cycle: | Each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module | 74198 Introduction to Quantum Electronics |
Credits: | 3 |
Exam form: | oral |
Exam prerequisite: | no |
Remark: | announcement |
Elective Modules Physics
PHYS6347.0 | Strahlenmesstechnik |
Lecturer: | N.N. |
Course type: | Vorlesung mit Praktikum |
Cycle: | WS und SS |
Language: | deutsch |
Module | 71419 Strahlenmesstechnik |
Credits: | 4 LP |
Examination: | Klausur, 11958 Strahlenmesstechnik |
Precourse: | nein |
Begin: | 15.03.2024 11:45, H205 (TH Ulm, Prittwitzstr. 10) |
PHYS5647.0 | Quantum Computing |
Lecturer: | Prof. Birger Horstmann |
Cycle: | each summer semester |
Language: | English |
Module: | 77081 Quantum Computing |
Credits: | 6 |
Exam form: | written or oral, 17081 Quantum Computing |
Precourse: | yes, 17581 Quantum Computing (Vorleistung) |
Remark: | tba |
PHYS6778.0 | Quantum theory of macroscopic mechanical systems |
Lecturer: | Prof. Benjamin Stickler |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module: | 77110 |
Credits: | 6 |
Exam form: | written or oral, 17110 Quantum theory of macroscopic mechanical systems |
Precourse: | yes, 17310 Quantum theory of macroscopic mechanical systems (Vorleistung) |
Remark: | tba |
PHYS8104.0 | Biological Sensing |
Lecturer: | Prof. Heinrich Hoerber |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module: | NEW Biological Sensing |
Credits: | 4 |
Exam form: | written or oral |
Precourse: | - |
Remark: | Announcement |
Advanced Seminars
PHYS7100.4 | Seminar Modern Instruments in Biophysics |
Lecturer: | Prof. Christof Gebhardt |
Course type: | advanced seminar (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module: | 75063 Advanced Seminar Physics (Master) (4 CP) |
Credits: | 4 CP as Advanced Physics Seminar OR 3 CP as Seminar |
Examination: | oral |
Precourse: | no |
Remark: | announcement |
PHYS7821.0 | Seminar Econophysics |
Lecturer: | PD Dr. Jürgen Stockburger |
Course type: | advanced seminar (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module | 75063 Advanced Seminar Physics (Master) (4 CP) tba Seminar Dissipative Quantum Dynamics: Mathematical concepts and simulation techniques (3 CP) |
Credits: | 4 CP as Advanced Physics Seminar OR 3 CP as Seminar |
Examination: | oral 15063 Advanced Seminar Physics (Master) (4 CP) tba Seminar Dissipative Quantum Dynamics: Mathematical concepts and simulation techniques (3 CP) |
Precourse: | no |
Remark: | announcement |
PHYS7710.0 | Seminar Commercial Quantum Technologies |
Lecturer: | Prof. Martin Plenio, Prof. Huelga, Prof. Bongs |
Course type: | advanced seminar (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module | 75063 Advanced Seminar Physics (Master) (4 CP) tba Seminar Commercial Quantum Technologies (3 CP) |
Credits: | 4 CP as Advanced Physics Seminar OR 3 CP as Seminar |
Examination: | oral 15063 Advanced Seminar Physics (Master) (4 CP) tba Seminar Quantum Technology (3 CP) |
Precourse: | no |
Remark: | announcement |
PHYS7510.1 | Seminar Actual Applied Research Topics in Nuclear Fusion |
Lecturer: | Dr. Wladimir Zholobenko |
Course type: | advanced seminar (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module: | 71054 Hauptseminar Fortgeschrittene Physik (4 CP) 75486 Seminar Actual Applied Research Topics in Nuclear Fusion |
Credits: | 4 CP as Advanced Physics Seminar OR 3 CP as Seminar |
Examination: | oral 11750 Hauptseminar Plasmaphysik (4 CP) 15486 Seminar Actual Applied Research Topics in Nuclear Fusion (3 CP) |
Precourse: | no |
Remark: | tba |
PHYS7520.0 | Seminar Magnetic Resonance |
Lecturer: | Prof. Fedor Jelezko, Dr. Raiker Witter, Dr. Tobias Speidel, Dr. Rémi Blinder |
Course type: | advanced seminar (2 hours/week) |
Cycle: | irregularly |
Language: | English |
Module | 75063 Advanced Seminar Physics (Master) (4 CP) 75371 Seminar Magnetic Resonance (3 CP) |
Credits: | 4 CP as Advanced Physics Seminar OR 3 CP as Seminar |
Examination: | oral 15063 Advanced Seminar Physics (Master) (4 CP) 15371 Seminar Magnetic Resonance (3 CP) |
Precourse: | no |
Remark: |
Dr. Maria-Verena Kohnle
Studienkommission Physik
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Telefon: 0731/50-23032
Raum: N25/3106