
Prof. Robin Kaiser: Coherent Light scattering by cold atoms: from Anderson to Dicke and back

Time : Monday , 16:15 Uhr
Organizer : Physikalisches Kolloquium
Location : Hörsaal H13,

Prof. Robin Kaiser

Institute de Physique de Nice, France

The quest for Anderson localization of light is at the centre of many experimental and theoretical activities. Cold atoms have emerged as interesting quantum system to study coherent transport properties of light. Initial experiments have established that dilute samples with large optical thickness allow studying weak localization of light.

The goal of our research is to study coherent transport of photons in cold atomic samples. One important aspect is the quest of Anderson localization of light with cold atoms and its relation to Dicke super- or subradiance.

In this colloquium, I will review the experimental and theoretical state of the art on the possibility of Anderson localization of light by cold atoms.


Coffee and tea for the colloquium's guests will be served at 16:00 in front of the lecture hall.


Organisation: Prof. Dr. F. Jelezko, Tel. 23750

Host: Dr. Efremov, Tel. 23084, off.: 23081