Analytics in Object-centric Process Management

Universität Ulm

Fakultätsöffentliche Vorstellung des Promotionsvorhabens (Grüner Vortrag), Marius Breitmayer, Ort: O28/2002, Datum: 07. August 2023, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr

Object-centric process management treats processes as multiple interacting business objects rather than a sequence of activities, enabling data-driven and highly flexible processes. In this context, object lifecycle processes specify the behavior of objects in a fine-grained way. On the one hand this enables the automatic generation of information systems, on the other it  introduces additional challenges regarding the analysis and improvement of such processes.

Modern information systems leveraging object-centric process management approaches generate fine-grained event logs that record the actual execution of the processes, enabling various approaches for analyzing object-centric processes. These approaches include, for example, the discovery of discrepancies between object-centric process models and the actual process execution documented in the event logs. Existing process mining techniques leverage data-driven methods to uncover patterns or anomalies within business processes. However, they are unable to account for the highly flexible execution and granularity of object-centric processes. Analyzing execution data in the context of object lifecycle processes, provides valuable insights into, for example, process conformance or process enhancement.

This talk presents approaches for checking the conformance of object-centric process implementations as well as for the data-driven evolution of object-centric process models, and the customization of the latter to the preferences of single process participants. One of the main challenges concerns the identification and automatic adaption of object lifecycle processes based on different types of flexibility in combination with various granularity levels. Together, these approaches enable a holistic analysis and improvement of object lifecycle processes.