EU Project SustainHub - Sustainability Data Exchange Hub
Project Description
Started in February 2012, SustainHub is a collaborative project within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission scheduled for three years. The consortium consists of 15 partners from 7 Euroean countries, ranging from component suppliers to trade associations. To ensure the dissemination to SMEs across Europe, electronic/automotive OEMs and tier 1-n suppliers, consultancy experts, software industry, universities, and applied research institutes are included.
SustainHub will provide a network solution and efficient approach to collect sustainability data for products and processes throughout the supply chain and to integrate these into the internal systems and processes of the companies (cf. Figure 1). Nowadays managing and processing sustainability data is a complicated and time intensive procedure. By offering an automatic, user-friendly system for the generating, validating and transmitting sustainability data along the entire supply chain, the SustainHub meets exactly the industrial needs and requirements for sustainability data management.
The tailored solutions of the SustainHub project will improve the management of sustainability data in the supply chain and the eco-efficiency of products and production processes. With the developed services the network will preserve and enhance the international competitive position of European industry. In this context, DBIS takes part in several technical work packages dealing with the collection, analysis and integration of data based on state-of-the-art process-managed technologies as developed by the Institute of Databases and Informations Systems in Ulm.

Project Details
Funded by the European Commision,
7th Framework Programme
Project No.283130
Topic ENV.2011.3.1.9-1: Eco-innovation!
February 2012 - January 2015