Conception and realization of an Android communication interface for warehouse visualization

Universität Ulm

BA Abschlussvortrag, Julian Danzer, Ort: Online, Datum: 05.10.2020, Zeit: 12:45 Uhr

Mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, have long been an integral part of our private lives, while Desktop-PCs are getting less and less important. For companies, this migration is often slower and not nearly as advanced. Instead, old PC-based applications are still used as replacing them proves to be tedious. This research work aims to migrate an existing application for warehouse visualization to mobile Android clients. Adjustments have to be made to an intermediary layer, namely the Connector, that buffers and distributes data from the application server, to provide both the existing PC clients and the new mobile clients with data. This thesis will cover the conception and realization of a modified Connector based on the existing implementation as well as a basic client prototype, that can be used to communicate with the Connector and retrieve data. The development of the client does not cover any UI specific code, as it will be the focus of another thesis. The viability of developing the client logic independently of possible UI frameworks is, however, determined by integrating two popular graphics engines, libGDX and Unity, while using JVM code to communicate with the Connector and process data.