Keynote von Manfred Reichert auf der IWEI'13-Fachtagung

Universität Ulm

Opens internal link in current windowManfred Reichert war eingeladener Keynote-Sprecher der Opens external link in new windowInternational IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability (IWEI 2013). Die IWEI'13-Fachtagung fand vom 27.-28. März 2013 in Enschede, Niederlande statt.

In seiner Keynote mit dem Titel "Collaboration and Interoperability Support for Agile Enterprises in a Networked World: Emerging Scenarios, Research Challenges, Enabling Technologies" behandelte Prof. Reichert die sich stellenden technologischen Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zum agilen Unternehmen. Dazu präsentierte er fortschrittliche Methoden, Konzepte und Technologien für die Zusammenarbeit und Interoperabilität agiler Unternehmen in einer zunehmend vernetzten Welt. In diesem Zusammenhang präsentierte er Ergebnisse aus den DBIS-Forschungsprojekten Opens internal link in current windowC3Pro and Opens internal link in current windowSustainHub.

Download und Zusammenfassung der Keynote

Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert, Initiates file downloadCollaboration and Interoperability Support for Agile Enterprises in a Networked World: Emerging Scenarios, Research Challenges, Enabling Technologies (download als PDF), eingeladene Keynote auf der IWEI'13-Tagung, 28. März 2013, Enschede, Niederlande

Zusammenfassung: The economic success of enterprises increasingly depends on their ability to react to changes in their environment in a quick and flexible way. Examples of such changes include regulatory adaptations (e.g. introduction of Sarbanes-Oxley or Basel II), market evolution, altered customer behavior, process improvement, and strategy shifts. Companies have therefore identified business agility as a competitive advantage required for coping with business trends like increasing product and service variability, faster time-to-market, and increasing division of labor along the supply chain. In particular, the agile enterprise should be able to quickly set up new business processes as well as to adapt existing ones. However, networked enterprises must not accomplish such process changes independent from the interactions they have with their partners and customers; e.g., business contracts and business compliance rules must be ensured after process changes as well. This keynote discussed major research challenges to be tackled in this context. Further, it presented advanced methods, concepts and technologies enabling collaboration and interoperability support for the agile enterprise in a networked world.