Time limits

The regulations for our degree programmes contain certain time limits, which may be extended in justified cases. The notes below refer to the most recent version of the regulations. The text of the regulations is authoritative, if in doubt.

Please note: Until the specific regulations are updated to reflect the new general regulations (Allgemeine Studien- und Prüfungsordnung, ASPO, 2022), certain rules from the old regulations (Rahmenordnung, RO, 2017) are still in effect, see ASPO §30 paragrap 3. This includes the time limits mentioned below with the exception of registration for written exams, which is now only possible until 5 days prior to the date of the exam.

Extension of time

Please file for an extension of time (grace) in a letter to the chairman of the examination board. This letter has to be signed and has to contain an answering address. Please send the letter to the office of the examination board. The letter may be sent by email.

Applications will be accepted only if all necessary paperwork is included (e.g. transcript of records, medical certificates). Applications have to be filed in due time and when the event leading to needing an extension occurs as otherwise the right to take examinations will be lost automatically.

Time limits to be met

  • Bachelor degree programmes Mathematics and Mathematics and Management
    1. One of the exams in Analysis 1, Analysis 2, Lineare Algebra 1 or Lineare Algebra 2 must be completed successfully until the end of the ecamination period of the third semester ("Orientation exam" - FSPO §6 paragraph 1 und RO §6 paragraph 6).
    2. The module Analysis and the module Lineare Algebra must be completed successfully until the end of the examination period of the fifth semester (FSPO §6 paragraph 1)
    3. The registration for the Bachelor thesis must be submitted three months after the last exam at the latest (RO §16c paragraph 1).
    4. The time to complete the thesis is three months. An extension of time must be filed at least two weeks before the end of the three months with the chairmain of the examination board (RO §16c paragraph 7 sentence 4 and FSPO §13 paragraph 1).
    5. The degree programme must be completed by the end of the examination period of the tenth semester (FSPO §6 paragraph 1).
  • Master degree programmes Mathematics and Mathematics and Economics
    1. The registration for the Master thesis must be submitted three months after the last exam at the latest (RO §16c paragraph 1).
    2. The time to complete the Thesis is six months. An extension of time must be filed at least two weeks before the end of that time with the chairmain of the examination board (RO §16c paragraph 7 sentence 4 and FSPO §13 paragraph 1).
    3. There are no further time limits.
  • Master degree programme Finance
    1. The registration for the Master thesis must be submitted three months after the last exam at the latest (RO §16c paragraph 1).
    2. The time to complete the Thesis is six months. An extension of time must be filed at least two weeks before the end of that time with the chairmain of the examination board (RO §16c paragraph 7 sentence 4 and FSPO §13 paragraph 1).
    3. Courses with at least 75 credit points have to be succesfully completed at the end of the examination period of the fourth semester (FSPO §5).
    4. The programme has to be completed be the end of the examination period of the sixth semester (FSPO §5).
  • Time limit for registering for exams (all programmes)
    1. At the latest 5 days prior to the examination date (ASPO §21 paragraph 3). If the exam is on April, 11th, the registration is possible until April, 6th.
  • Recognition of exams from other institutions
    1. within one semester of enrolment
    2. six months after returning from studies abroad

Abbreviations and explanations

  • RO - Rahmenordnung - framework of programme regulations.
  • FSPO - Fachspezifische Prüfungsordnung - specific regulations of the degree programme.
  • Semester: semester in the current programme.
  • End of examtionation period of the n-th semesters: The examination period three weeks prior and one week after lectures start in the (n+1)-th semester.
  • The consequences of exceeding the time limits are set in the RO:
    • Registration for exams: the exam cannot be taken at that date.
    • Thesis: Failure to pass; a new time limits starts automatically, the office of the registrar will inform you.
    • All other cases lead to loss of the right to take exams in that programme and thus to the removal of the register of students.